》Chapter Eight.

Start from the beginning

He stops by the door of that tiny house I've noticed when I first stepped in here and takes out a key to open it. It's dark inside and the only thing I can clearly see is the couch he drops me on before going to turn the lights on. I pass a hand on my now messy hair and feel the despair filling every inch of my body. Missus Alice will get so angry at me and I'm sure this time she would not believe me whatever I tell her the truth or not.

He stares down at his shirt and curses, noticing the stains I've left with my dirty uniform. That's what you get when you act like a brat, and I'm not even sorry.

I try to convince myself but I do feel sorry, that tee must cost a fortune.

'' Look what have you done!'' He calls me out and I involuntary duck my head back uncrossing my hurt hands.

'' What have I done? I'm covered in cuts and wounds and you're complaining about a barely stained shirt? You probably have an endless closet full of them anyway.'' I arise from my position and he swiftly points his finger towards the couch.

''Sit down. I'll deal with you in a minute. Don't try to run away, it's pointless and it'll only make your staying more unpleasant." Not even a minute later he comes back and it looks like he has no intention of leaving me be.

''Let me go!'' I find myself almost begging him and hate it with every bit of my soul.

''Not before you have answered my questions." He promptly fires back.

''I won't tell you anything.''

''Then I suppose you won't leave this warehouse after all.''

''You can't keep me here forever!'' I shout, ready to flip the tea table.

''I can indeed. I have all the time in the world and you will break eventually.''

''He'll come looking for me so I'll just wait patiently.'' I childish reply because I'm pretty sure Louis will come find me once he notices my absence.

'' Oh, so you do admit you are working for my father now?'' I roll my eyes and don't answer as I drop myself on the ground and cross both legs and arms waiting for Louis.

'' Are you just taking his orders or there's more? Perhaps you even have an affair with him from the way you talk about him.''

I abruptly stand up and erase the distance that was lingering between us. He looks up so proudly and I feel so stupid for letting him playing me so easily, but I can't help it.

'' You don't know me; you know nothing about me. What have I done to you to make you hate me so much? You have no right to say that of me.'' My voice breaks and tears stain my cheeks. What he said hurt me more than it should. There's a limit and he totally crossed it.

'' You are making a fool out of yourself.'' He blankly mocks me as another tear escapes my control making me angrier.

'' Sorry if I offended your snobby sight with my tears. I'll stop so Your Grace can enjoy his tyrant game with me a little longer.'' I harshly bite back and fall to the floor.

''You're making it hard on yourself. I've just asked a question. You could as well answer and be done with it.'' I stay silenced so he goes on.

''What have you been looking for in the gardens? What were you trying to do to my dog, why was he hurt? You were trying to take him down, weren't you? My father told you he's the last thing left me to love that hasn't been soiled by his dirty money, hasn't he?''

Again I don't say a word.

''I'll fire you if you keep up this stupid play. This is a dangerous game you're playing and you're not even close to win it.''

''Then do it. I won't give you any satisfaction. But remember Harry'' and I shake my head in a very childish way as if I'm taking the piss out of his name. '' You're not Mr. Styles, you're just Harry. You live behind your father's back; you don't fight for anything because you already have what you think you deserve. And while everyone moves forward with their lives and make plans, you will still be here hiding behind your daddy! The bad news is, Harry, that you will stay behind for the rest of your life. Everyone will know you as Harry, the son of Mr. Styles. That's it! That's all you'll ever be!"

I end and he finally shuts up. I hold myself on the wall, my head spinning for the pain in my ankle. I'm so miserable that I don't even notice him leaving his seat to reach for me. I then press myself completely against the hard surface, not leaving his now cold and grey eyes. He twists the handle harshly and without looking at me, he leaves me alone.

When I recover from the shock, I find the door locked so I hopelessly fall to the ground again and blame it on myself for being so stupid, not even taking pleasure in winning the battle that just took place between us.


INDECENT 》Harry Styles  #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now