Behind the stage, Y/N watches and listens in amazement over her singing.

Y/N #2: ("This is first time I hear her sing and wow, she can definitely sing.")

The song changes to emphatic lyrics.

Weiss: 🎵"I'm not your pet, not another thing you own.
I was not born guilty of your crimes.
Your riches and your influence can't hold me anymore.
I won't be possessed,
burdened by your royal test.
I will not surrender.
This life is mine.

Weiss concludes her song and bows while the audience applauds. She became baffle over the crowd's reaction, blindly applauding and not caring what she was singing about. She looks up to the balcony above stage left where her father and brother are watching. Jacques remains seated, not applauding, while Whitely is standing giving a slower paced, sarcastic clap. Weiss looks back at the audience, all clapping still in their seats. She turns and walks backstage, her feigned smile replaced with a small frown. The heiress then walks out of the stage and towards Y/N's direction. Y/N, still in his butler uniform, finish applauding to her as he hands her a water bottle. The small frown on her face turn into a small smile as she takes the water bottle from his hand.

Weiss: "Thank you."

Y/N #2: "That was quite the performance you put on. Didn't think you were bold enough to sing about how much of an asshole your dad is."

Weiss: "So, you were listening to the lyrics. Can't say the same thing with the guests."

Y/N #2: "From what I saw, they only heard your singing but, not knowing or caring what you were singing about. Not even Jacques or Whitely." 

Weiss gives a warm smile before wrapping her arms around him, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. 

Weiss: "Regardless, I'm glad you actually listen to my song."

The two lock eyes with one another for a few moments before Klein clear his throat to get their attention, which it does as they quickly separate and look over to the butler. 

Klein: "Miss Schnee, Y/N, it's time to head to the ballroom."

Weiss: "O-Of course. See you there, Y/N."

Y/N #2: "Sure."

Weiss then walks pass Klein and to the direction of the ballroom. After watching her leave, Klein then turns to Y/N, who stand firmly to his senior.

Klein: "I'm quite glad that Miss Schnee is spending time with someone her own age. So, thank you, Y/N."

Y/N #2: "Oh, it's no problem, Klein. I plan on keeping her happy when we're together."

Klein: "That's good to hear. Anyway, it's time to get to work."

Y/N #2: "Serving food and drinks to the guests?"

Klein: "Ah, you're catching on, I see. Then, let's go."

Y/N #2: ("Well, that's what we tend to do most of the time in these events.")

(Inside the Ballroom)

Y/N carries martini glasses over a cloth on a tray, opening the door for Klein, himself, and the other servants to enter the ballroom where people chatter about to soft piano notes in the background. 

Y/N #2: ("Alright, time to play my part...")

He holds the tray next to a man, who takes a glass before walking off. A blonde woman in a dark green halter dress stops to look at him before moving on.

Y/N #2: Need anything else?

Blonde Woman: "No."

A man walks up to the blonde woman as Y/N listen into their conversation. 

RWBY: Grimm Slayer (Vol.4) (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now