The truth behind

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Your pov

The longbout was hit with a blast that caused me to fly back a little.
I didn't even notice that I was hit too until I started falling down.
Luckily I was able to control my board until I couldn't. I started falling.

Jim's pov

She was following us. I only got a small glimpse before we were hitting some what looking tree's. We crashed pretty hard. The boat fell on top of us.

Rubbing my neck while lifting the boat off us.

- Oh, my goodness. That was more fun than I ever want to have again.
Doc said while the captain chuckled at his comment.

- That's not one of my... gossamer landings. Uhh
But she fell down holding her side.

- Captain!
We helped her get up.

- Uh don't fuss... Sligh bruising. That's all. Cup of tea and I'll be right as rain.

- Mr. Hawkins the map if you please.
I got the map out of my pocket but it started to float. Changing into...

- Morph! Morph, where's the map?!
Morph show it was still in the ship.

- Morph are you serious?! It's back on the ship?
I tried catching Morph until captain Amelia started talking.

- Stifle that blob and get low. We've got company.

- We need a more defensible potion. Mr. Hawkins, scout ahead.
She handed me a gun an I took it.
- Aye captain.

- Steady steady. Now let's have a look at that.
Doc said while standing to examine the wound.

I started walking. Not long after I found Lia. I immediately went to her. She was unconscious.
- Hey Lia wake up.
I put her in my arms and shaked her a little to wake her up.

She groans a little while waking up.
- What are you doing here!
I said while helping her up.

- What do you think? I'm not with them.
She said while straightening herself up.

- Yeah I get that but why here?!

- Because I need to! Πρέπει να είμαι εδώ για να δω ποιος είμαι πραγματικά.
(I need to be here so I can see who I truly am)

- Again I have no idea what you said!
- I didn't tell the whole truth.
I stood there stunned. S ... She lied to me. Not her too. She was a person I actually trusted.

I actually liked HER...

- Y... Your.... What?
I couldn't speak. I didn't know how to react.

She turned her gaze from me to the ground.
- The first time I heard about something that wasn't told to me was.....

I could tell it was hard for her. So I let her talk.

- It was when my parents died. In the bag they gave me a key.
She took something out of her pocket.

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