12 - Man sweat

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The week has been good, Alice loves the bath chair. She was like a new woman after her first bath.

Quickly we had fallen into a routine in the morning breakfast all of us together Seth would leave for work. He was forest clearer which explained the lean body and tan. Alice and I would work on her mobility. I took her for her check up at her doctors. She didn't let me in but her Dr did hand me her prescription.

We headed to the pharmacy. The guy behind the counter knew Alice well; he must have been around my age. I warmed to him as soon as he handled Alice's rudeness for what it was, bravado.

"Now when are you going to take me dancing like you promised?" he says flirting with her as he leaned on the counter. I laughed.

"Stop that now Mickey!" She barked, trying to swat him with her magazine.

"I just got you that, don't break it!" I interrupt as Mickey looks at me and smiles.

He rings up the medicine and i pay.

"Are you new in town?" Mickey asks.

"Yeah I moved in with Alice and her nephew a week ago. I care for Alice." i say packing her medicines into my bag. She had a lot.

"Well hopefully we'll see all three of you for the weekend market. You can assess how they have done with your famous party." Mickey says to Alice.

"Is it a farmers market i ask looking between the two.

"More of a festival for the weekend. Neighbouring towns come together to celebrate the summer solstice. Be great to see you there." Mickey says smiling warmly and i feel the swell i had desperately seeking for in the community.

"Oh great." i say honestly

We head out and when i get Alice into the car I sound out if she would like to go.

"Could be fun." I say as we pull away.

"So they can all stare at me in my chair." she says gruffly.

"Someone thinks they are the centre of the party. I mumble knowing she can hear me. I hold in the laugh as I can feel her glare.

"Fine we can go, remember I'm doing this because I know how desperately lonely you are." she cuts in.

I glance at her. "Ouch." i say but i'm not offended she was my saviour I don't care if we don't go.

"Well let's not agree just yet, see how you feel on Saturday morning." I say and she nods.

When we get in I run her a bath and when she's listening to her favourite music i get her pyjamas on the radiator and begin dinner. I hear seth come in and he straights for the kitchen where i am.

"Hey, good day?" he asks, coming to stand beside me. I smile and relish the warmth I feel in his presence. He washes his hands.

"Need a hand?" he asks

"I'm good you take a shower" He catches me wrinkling my nose at him. He pulls at his shirt and sniffs.

"You don't like this smell?" he's laughing with a wicked look in his eyes as he comes closer. The smell of sweat and soil on him. Making me want him closer

I hold up the chopping knife. "Stay back with that man sweat." I'm laughing hoping he doesnt see through me and know i want him just like this. as he comes closer the knife does nothing to deter him. He moves the knife from my grip and I'm so close to him I can smell all of him, it's delicious. Sweat and earth combined.

"It's really good for you." he says wiping his hand and almost putting it in my face.

"Noo" I cry out but he doesn't do it. I feel his chest rumble against my shoulder.

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