7 - Neighbours a show

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We pull into the street I live on and my house living room light is still on.

"Oh great," I mumbled, didn't mean to verbalise it but it was a little humiliating to see the outline of my parents still up. I texted them that I would be back late. I was seeing something with Alice.

"Okay well see you Monday" Unbuckling my seatbelt and feeling a strange mixture of hope and excitement that I was the closest to being free for a while was amazing, making my legs shake. But I was anchored in my seat with dread for the imminent meeting with my parents. Had they lied to me all my life? My brother as well? After Alice's and Seth's warning that I couldn't say anything to them if I wanted my own life. A small voice crept up as I reasoned with not telling them. What was more important to me, my freedom or the truth?

I feel a swirl in my chest and it's not familiar but it is strangely comforting. I'm not sure if it's from Alice or Seth but it gives me a calm wave as I grip the handle.

"You okay? You want me to come in with you?" Seth asks. Although he doesn't look like he wants to come in.

"I'm okay thanks probably best not to stir anything else up." I smile at them both and Alice reaches for my hand. I let her take it.

"Soon Penny you world is going to open up to you," I smile my heart leaps. This is what I had dreamt about. Don't think about your parents lying. Don't. I get out and the warm night air feels alive on my skin. I step out and glance at the forest line. Don't run. I repeat my familiar mantra.

I come up the three wood steps and push the handle down knowing it will be open, I had seen my dads head as I passed the window. I open the door and a swirling in my stomach picks up my eyes scan my living room. The big blue velour cushy sofa looking completely out of place with Mylo and Leo on it. i barely register closing the door as my eyes make their way around the room to my parents in their big armchairs with multicoloured patterns blankets laid all over them. My parents look worried and their shoulders drop a little as i stand on the edge of the space between the sofas looking at them all. It's very surreal to see Leo and Mylo sitting on my sofa, the bohemian miss mash of patterns and colours making them look out of place. What the hell were they doing here? Where was my brother? The claustrophobia of being kept here was making my heart race despite the trouble I could sense I was in. This was ridiculous I rationalised I was twenty and allowed out. Sort of.

I don't say anything, my gaze falls on Leo again watching me, still sitting.

"Penny love, you are home late" mum says softer than I thought she would. I fill my lungs with air ready to explain but the noise of slamming car doors outside disturbs me.

I glance out the window and freeze as I see Ted talking to Seth. He's out of the car and it doesn't look like its going well.

I step towards the door ignoring my name coming from Leo.

I jump down the four steps and run to my brother so can whisper scream at him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I want to scream but it's still only half whispered through my gritted teeth hoping my glare would have an impact, along with my grip on his arm as hard as I can. Ted scowls down at me.

"Penny, don't trust a word this guy says he's a-"

"I know Ted," I whisper interrupting him. Ted freezes, Seth arches his brow like its ridiculous

"What?" he glances over my shoulder.

"You knew and you left with him this evening?"

"I left with Alice and Seth. But I'm back now so there really is no need for all this," I wave my hand and turn to the house, halting as Leo fills my vision standing behind me. He looks pissed but his eyes aren't on me, they are on Seth.

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