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Warning: Mature Content 🔥

I stayed in the small home with him. Sebastian slept for the next few hours. I wanted to make sure he was alright. I was also still swirling over the last words he said just before falling asleep.

Did he mean them? Were they a drunken confession? Or perhaps a drunken mistake?

I tried pushing the thoughts out of my mind. I was hoping he would not remember what he said. Then maybe we wouldn't have to have that conversation. The one both of us had been avoiding for years.

I managed to let Poppy, Natty, and Ominis know what was happening all while Sebastian rested. After several hours, he finally woke-up.

"Merlin, my head..." Sebastian sat up holding his forehead with the palm of his hand. I pointed towards the bedside table.

"I left a wiggenweld potion just there. Might help." Sebastian followed my finger and grabbed the potion off of the table, downing it quickly.

"Perhaps drinking...what was it, two bottles of fire whiskey was not the best idea?" I asked, half teasing him. He looked at me with half squinted eyes and a smirk. He seemed annoyed but I still noticed the tiniest hint of a smile.

"Don't remind me. And I didn't drink two whole bottles alone. Ominis was here too. And one of the bottles were already half empty." He let himself fall back on the bed while his legs stayed planted on the ground. His knees were bent at the side of the bed as he pulled his arms up towards his head.

"Wait, why are you here?"

"Well gee, thanks for the warm welcome."

"No," he sat up and looked at me with a confused look. "I mean how did you and I end up here?" It was obvious his memory of the evening was muddled.

Thank Merlin he doesn't remember what he said to me.

"We ran into each other in Hogsmeade. I brought you home and made sure you got some rest." I Said quietly as I fixated on my skirt. Sebastian sighed.

"Hogsmeade? When did I go to Hogsmeade?"

"I'm not sure when you got there but I found you around nine in the morning."

"What else did I do?"

I felt a lump in my throat suddenly. My head stayed down as I tried to think of a response to him.

Oh nothing too bad, just professed your love for me that's all.

"You tried to convince me to go to Honeydukes and get, what did you call them, belly beans?" I giggled as I said the word and Sebastian started laughing with me.

"Belly beans? I did not say that." He continued laughing. I watched him for a moment. It felt good to hear his laugh again.

The laughter slowly faded and silence was all that was left between us. Yet again, we found ourselves in this constant struggle of letting silence take over. The conversation lulled and I felt a need to say something, anything.

"Sebastian, what is going on?" I finally asked. I could feel my voice cracking as I spoke.

Sebastian looked down at his feet. He ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. He seemed as if he was contemplating ignoring me completely. Finally, his eyes met mine with a cold stare.

"What are you talking about?" His voice was deep and serious. It sent shivers down my spine. I gulped before speaking again.

"You quit your job. You're out drunk at nine in the morning. Your home is a mess." I looked down at my fidgeting hands. I was tugging at the lace on my skirt, a habit of my nervousness as I tried to carry the conversation.

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