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Sebastian's POV


I sat beside her. She looked so peaceful. Her hair slightly blowing in the wind. The sunflowers behind her swaying every so gently. She had her head back with her face lifted up towards the sky. Her eyes were closed. I smiled, wanting to take it all in.

"I still can't believe you're going to be an auror."

"To be honest, me either."

She tilted her head back down and looked at me.

"I kind of figured you would be a professor if I'm being honest." She said scrunching her nose at me as the sunlight hit her face.

I stared at her. We had not spent much time together since leaving Hogwarts two years ago, but enough to still stay close.

I felt this overwhelming sense that I wanted to stay here with her. I missed her already and I was not even gone yet.

"Oh really? Professor Sallow. Now you're making me sound like my father." I said smirking at her.

She smiled. That beautiful perfect smile.

"Professor Sallow does have a nice ring to it." She said smirking back.

I sighed and let my face grow solemn. The idea of being professor was a wonderful thought. But I knew it was one I could never attain.

"I have to do this. For Anne."

She dropped her smile and looked down at the ground. Her fingers twirled around a blade of grass.

"I know." She said quietly. I wanted to hold her hand. I wanted to hug her, to promise her that I would be back. But I knew could not promise her such a thing.

Instead we sat there staring out at the field remaining silent, unaware of what our future would hold.


"It's Mira. She's back." Ominis said in a serious tone. My eyes grew wide.

"Back? What do you mean back?" Y/n asked.

"She was spotted in the area recently. Apparently near some poacher camp. I was not sure if you had known about this information already or not Sebastian." Ominis said. I shook my head.

"No. I have not been on her case since the last incident." Y/n looked at me confused.

"What incident?"

"I...nothing." I said. Y/n looked disappointed but she did not press further.

"So what does this mean?" Y/n asked.

"It means our plans just changed." I responded knowing we had limited time now.

"Plans?" Ominis questioned.

I sighed knowing I had to fill him in. I looked at Y/n and she nodded, almost reading my mind about what had to be done.

"Poppy and Garreth are in trouble. Poppy's parents were searching for a dragon egg for Mira for some reason. Poppy took the egg. I'm afraid, with Mira being back, it won't be long before she's searching for the egg and the Weasleys."

Ominis furrowed his brow and shook his head.

"Oh my. This is not good at all. I'm assuming you two were here making a plan to help them?"

"Yes." Y/n responded.

"I'm afraid we will need to move faster than we had planned." I wanted more time to prepare, to plan. But after what Ominis said, I knew we did not have much time.

"Sebastian do you think it is smart to be going after Mira? Especially after-"

"It's fine." I said cutting Ominis off.

"Somebody has to do something." I said my voice lower. Y/n looked confused again but still did not press for more information. At least not yet. Ominis lowered his head.

"Very well. I am going to head back now. I'll let you two get to work. Please let me know if I can help at all." Ominis spoke as he stood up. I stood near him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We will. Thank you Ominis."

"Be careful Sebastian. Please." He said quietly. I nodded my head then helped open the door for Ominis as he walked out. I shut the door behind him then turned to Y/n.

She looked confused like she wasn't sure where to start.

"I know there is a lot going on. But we need to contact Poppy first and let her know. And I think you and I should head to this poacher camp. Perhaps do a little spying, see what we can find out around there." I said. Y/n nodded her head.

"Of course. I'll send the owl now to Poppy."

"I'll start grabbing some things. Meet me outside when you're ready."

She nodded and started working on her letter while I gathered some supplies.

     It didn't take long before Y/n and I reached what once was the poacher camp. Everything was cleared out and the area was empty.

"They left?" Y/n asked.

"I suppose so. But where?"

"Maybe it's a good thing?"

"I don't know. Ominis said Mira was back and now suddenly the poacher camp is cleared. This doesn't feel right." I could see Y/n's face growing with concern. I looked her in the eyes, trying to figure out what to do next.

"Have you heard from Poppy yet?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Oh no. You don't think..." She let her voice trail off, the concern clear.

"I think we need to head to the Weasley's house."

Quickly I grabbed Y/n's arm and we apparated to Keenbridge. We weren't even halfway to the door when we saw the smoke.

"Poppy! NO!" Y/n screamed as she ran up to the door. I quickly followed behind her.

"Y/n, stop!" I yelled wanting to make sure she didn't run into the house and hurt herself.

"Protego maxima!" Y/n yelled casting a shield bubble around herself as she ran into the burning home. I followed her, casting my own bubble around me.

"I don't see them!" I yelled at her, the flames around us loud.

"Poppy! Natty! Garreth!" She shouted as she ran through the home.

"Y/n, we've got get out of here. They're not here!" I yelled. Y/n kept running around the home searching for her friends.

I panicked, wanting to make sure she wasn't hurt. She turned and saw Garreth's potion table burning and tears started flooding her eyes.

"She has them. Mira has them." She said finally turning to me.

"We have to go." I said loudly trying to get her out of the burning home. She finally listened and we ran outside. She stood there for a moment watching the home burn before turning to me.

"We have to find them. We have to save them." She said. I nodded knowing she would not take any other answer except 'of course.'

"I'll contact Ominis. We're going to save them Y/n. I promise." I grabbed hold of her arms. She had tears running down her face at this point.

She looked up at me, her eyes watery.

"We have to."  She said, almost in a whisper. Her voice was shaky. I pulled her into me, holding her in my arms.

"We will. I promise. We will."

She sobbed against my chest as I held her. The seriousness of the moment almost disappeared by the incredible feeling I had holding her in my arms. Something I had longed for in the past six years.

I wanted to take her pain away. I wanted to save her friends and make her happy. I knew this was a dangerous quest, but I wanted nothing more than to see her smile again.

"I promise." I said once more, knowing I would do whatever it took to protect her.
A little bit shorter of a chapter this time around but setting up for some interesting stuff soon!

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