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Warning: Mature Content 🫥

Sebastian and I walked forward still trying to take in everything that had just happened.

"How do we know they're not following us?" I finally asked.

"We don't."

I almost stopped in my tracks. The fear of the situation was growing quickly. It was all happening so fast. What was going to happen once we arrived? Would Mira be there? What had she done to Sebastian that made him so revengeful? I had so many questions and little time to process it all.

Sebastian stopped. He looked around for a moment. He looked almost lost.

"What is it?" I asked. He didn't answer.


Suddenly a set of footprints glowed on the ground. Sebastian said nothing as he started to follow the footprints.

"What is that?" I asked finally walking behind him.

"Our lead." He said firmly. My heart started to race. I could feel my hands tingling as we walked faster following our new lead.

Sebastian's mood had changed into a more serious one. It only made me feel the gravity of the situation even more, down to my bare bones. I could almost throw up thinking of what was about to happen.

I truly had not done anything so serious since that fifth year at Hogwarts. Defeating Ranrok and Rookwood and taking down Harlow. How did I handle that all at 15 and now, at 26, I was terrified of what awaited us?

We followed the footsteps with Sebastian almost picking up the pace as each moment passed. I was trying to keep up with him.

"Sebastian...slow down." I was trying to catch my breath as we were practically running.

Sebastian didn't stop. He continued forward following the footsteps with such focus and intensity. It almost scared me how concentrated he was.


"We've got to catch up, Y/n. We can't stop." He shouted back. I felt my chest pounding.

"Sebastian, we need a plan. What are we doing right now?"

"We are stopping Mira."


No answer.

"Sebastian STOP!" He finally stopped. He turned and looked at me, anger in his eyes.

"They hurt you! I've got to get to them." His face was so full of anger and revenge. It scared me. I walked over to him and slowly placed one hand on his cheek.

"Oh Sebastian..." I whispered. His eyes started to soften as I kept my hand on his face.

"I just got you, I can't lose you already." He said softly.

"You won't. It wasn't even that bad. Look, my arm is all better. You can't even tell!" I said trying to comfort him. He continued staring into my eyes.

"I understand your anger, but we have to be smart about this. We cannot just go storming in there with no plan." I reminded him.

Sebastian had always been one to act first and question later, but now was not the time for that. We needed to be serious with this.

"You're right. I apologize." His voice was quiet as he spoke. I let my hand fall from his cheek and I looked forward at the footprints ahead.

"Right. So if we follow these footprints and it leads us to where we are wanting to go, what do we do from there? Surely, Mira will be expecting us by now." I tried to focus his attention and make the plan.

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