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"Can you believe it? Our last full day in the castle." Sebastian asked.

"No, I really can't." I looked around trying to take it all in. Sebastian chuckled a bit.

"Hard to believe we won't be back here."

"Speak for yourself. I'm going to become a professor."

"A professor you say? And whatever will you teach?" Sebastian said as he laughed.

We stood in the courtyard looking up at the castle. I turned and looked him in the eyes, smirking at him.

"I'm not sure yet. Maybe Professor Binns will finally shove off and I can make History of Magic fun again."

Sebastian laughed letting his voice trail off as we continued staring at the castle. We both stood there for a moment in silence. Leaving Hogwarts felt exciting and terrifying. Everything I had ever known for the last 3 years was suddenly over. What would happen now?

"Perhaps you'll be a professor too. Defense against the dark arts maybe?" I asked, half joking but half pushing to see how he would answer. He sighed.

"In a perfect world we work at Hogwarts together and continue our journey here as professors." He paused for a moment before looking down at his feet.

"But I have to help Anne first. If I don't, I-"

"You'll never forgive yourself. I know, Sebastian." I said quietly.

We both looked back up at the castle. The silence between us only grew stronger as neither knew what to say.

"So, I heard we leave Hogwarts the same way we came in during first year. By taking the boats across the lake."

Sebastian turned and looked at me. I took a step forward and smirked.

"Are you going to be able to handle that? You know, since you're so scared of the black lake after falling in during first year."

Sebastian's eyes grew wide and he pointed at me.

"What? How did you know about that?!" He asked surprised.

"A little birdie told me."

"Ominis....I'm going to smack him the next time I see him." Sebastian said as he shook his head.

We both laughed before turning back towards the castle once more.

"Promise me we will stay friends, Sebastian. No matter what happens or where we end up, promise me we'll stay friends." I said as I continued staring forward.

I could feel Sebastian's eyes on me. He paused for a moment before looking back at the castle and answering in a soft and gentle voice.

"I promise."


I was throwing things in the mokeskin pouch as quickly as I could. I wasn't sure when Sebastian would be back. Or where he was even going.

I walked out of the tent and took out my wand. I started disassembling the tent to pack it away. Once everything was packed, I stood in the middle of the forest hoping Sebastian would be back soon.

I still had so many questions. Where was Poppy? Natty? Mira? Where had Sebastian taken Garreth? Why was he still being so secretive about everything?

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. I stood at attention, nervous.


The footsteps stopped suddenly. My heart dropped as my hand gripped tightly around my wand. I slowly raised my arm and pointed towards the sound.

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