◇|Chapter four|◇

Start from the beginning

Finney: Alright


I sighed and turned off my phone.

I groaned and ran my hands over my face.

After I finished showering, I got ready and grabbed my car keys.

Gwen has volleyball practice again, so she left early.

I pulled out my phone and drove to Bruce's address. "Good...it's not too far." I sighed.


After five minutes, I pulled into his driveway. He was waiting with four other people. "What the fuck." I mentally groaned. "God damit Donna. Why didn't you tell me it was multiple people." I mumbled and unlocked the door.

"Hey Finn!" I turned my head to the recognizable voice. "Oh, hey Griffin!" I smiled, and he smiled back.

"This is Robin, Vance, Bruce, and Billy. However, you've met Billy." I chuckled and nodded. "Nice to meet you guys."

Bruce smiled and spoke up. "Nice to meet you too!" Vance just grunted, meanwhile Robin hummed.


The car was filled with light chatter, manly by me, Griffin, and Bruce. Billy and Robin would occasionally join in, and Vance would hum every once in a while.


I parked the car and got out.

As we walked to the campus, we talked about anything that came to mind.

"Oh, Finn. Are you okay? You look a bit tired..." Griffin asked in a concerned voice.

I chuckled and nodded. "Just got less sleep then usual, not a big deal." I shrugged and Griffin hesitantly nodded. "If you say so..."

I stopped in front of my building. "This is my building, I'll see you guys later!" I smiled, and they waved goodbye to me.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm gonna fucking kill you Donna. Making me socializing with complete fucking stangers. Asking me about my soulmates and shit." I narrowed my eyes. "Annoying."

I walked into the class and sat next to Donna. I turned my head to her and smiled sweetly. She chuckled nervously.

"Care to explain why I had to drop off FIVE people." She fiddled with her fingers. "Well...uhm. I forgot to mention that his friends needed a lift, too?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that a question."

Donna cleared her throat and shook her head. "Nope!"

I scoffed. "They were too invasive and talkative. You know I hate socializing." She sighed and nodded.

"Believe me. I know." She chuckled, and I just grumbled some curse words under my breath.


I walked into the cafe and sighed.

"Hey Donna." She smiled at me. "Hey Finn...woah. Why do you have such big eye bags." She rubbed my face, and I groaned.

"I'm fine." She raised an eyebrow. "How much sleep did you get?"

I hesitated. "Two hours." I whispered under my breath. Apparently, I wasn't quiet enough. "TWO HOURS??? Finney. What the fuck." She frowned and smacked my arm.

I groaned. "I needed to do homework." She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "This is why you need to stop working overtime."

I groaned. "Not this talk again." I walked to the front and started taking orders while Donna pestered me.

"Hey Donna, Finn." Griffin smiled at us. Donna didn't acknowledge him and just kept lecturing me.

He raised an eyebrow. "Why is she so upset today?" I shrugged. That ticked Donna off.

"I'm upset because Finn only got TWO hours of sleep, and he's acting like it's nothing!" I groaned. "Because it's none of your business whether I get sleep or not!"

"It is if you won't take care of yourself!" I rubbed my temples. "I don't have time for this, Donna. You can lecture me later."

Griffin spoke up. "She's right, Finn. You need to take care of yourself." I snapped my head towards him.

"No offense, Griffin. But stay out of this." I narrowed my eyes. Griffin was taken aback.

"Don't lash out on him. This is between us." Donna frowned. "Just let me do my job so I can get out of here. It makes our lives easier." I grumbled and took the next customers order.

Donna clicked her tongue but ushered Griffin away.

She hesitated, but after a couple of seconds, she put her hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head to her and raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry for raiding my voice. I'm just worried. You can always rely on me and Gwen." She smiled sweetly at me.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Thanks, Donna."

She nodded and kissed my forehead. "Always, Finn."

I smiled and looked down.

'I don't deserve them.' I closed my eyes and lightly chuckled.


1204 words

Donna and Finn are NOT dating. She kissed his forehead in a big sister way!! They have a sibling like friendship. Just wanted to clear that up!!!

I hope you enjoyed reading, and I'll try to update soon <3

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