We're Overdue for a Revival

Start from the beginning

"I never thought I was pretty until you told me so..." Lin said as their lips parted. Kya couldn't help but break out into a smile, "You can stop, you've already won me over." She said.

"I have?" Lin raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Yeah, nine years ago." She began running her fingers through Lin's hair as her face softened. Lin let out a hum of contentment, dropping her head down to kiss Kya's shoulder.

After a few minutes, Lin groaned. Kya dragged her hand down Lin's back, "Hm?" she said. "I have to get up and get ready." Lin complained, she lifted her head. Seeing the sleepy look on Kya's face, she pressed a finger to her nose, making it scrunch up as she smiled.

"Go get ready." Kya playfully pushed Lin out of the bed. She got up with a small laugh and began pulling her uniform out of the closet. She turned back to look at Kya who was now sitting up and stretching. She smiled to herself then took her clothes in her arms and walked out of the bedroom, leaving the door open because she knew Kya would be out to make their morning beverages.

Kya heard the bathroom door shut and threw the blankets off of her legs. As she sat on the edge of the bed, she couldn't help but feel a grin pull at her lips. She stood up and swiftly fixed the bed, flattening out the blanket. She placed her hands on one hip and twisted her back until she heard a crack, then moved her hands to the other hip to do it again.

She made her way to the kitchen with a yawn, rolling her shoulders again. She prepared the coffee machine then turned it on, listening to the liquid drip into the pot as she made her cup of tea. Kya was almost in disbelief at how domestic her time staying with Lin had become. She didn't think coming back to Republic City would be so euphoric. But of course, there was a reason for that.

Kya looked over to the pot of coffee, almost full now. Lin had to have been the kindest person in the world to be treating her this way, at least that's what she thought.

"You're gonna let it steep for too long. Then you won't drink it." A teasing voice made Kya jump. She turned her head to see Lin standing next to her with a small grin, "Hand me my cup?" She asked. Kya jokingly rolled her eyes, then grabbed the mug from the cabinet.

Lin went to take it from Kya's hand, but Kya stopped her. She poured coffee into the mug first, then handed it to Lin, face turning to a slight shade of pink at the gesture. "So," Lin took a small sip from the cup, "you never told me much about your travels." She said.

"You never asked," Kya joked, pouring her tea into a cup. "Well, I'm asking now." Lin replied smugly.

Kya let her smile show, "It was fun. I saw a bunch of different places, tried a bunch of different food, " she chuckled, "I really did enjoy it." A genuine look rested on her face as she remembered her adventures.

Lin felt a sense of relief fall on her. All these years that's what she'd hoped for, that Kya was enjoying herself, that she wasn't held back by guilt or regret, that she was happy. She wanted Kya to be happy. "Where did you stay the longest?" She asked.

Without hesitation, Kya answered, "Oh, the Fire Nation definitely, I was there for two years. Izumi and Fire Lord Zuko let me stay at the Royal Palace, so being around someone I was familiar with felt nice. Izumi really made me feel welcome, and she didn't wait to show me all the attractions and street shops." Kya chuckled.

"I'm surprised you didn't find a fun Fire Nation woman to move on with, I mean, those Fire Festivals are a rage, aren't they?" Lin joked with a small laugh.

Kya froze, her eyes locked onto the counter. Lin's smile faded as she looked at her, "Hey, I was joking. A bad joke, I'm sorry." She said in a soft tone.

Kya snapped from her stare and looked at Lin. She blinked a few times, "It's okay, I know," she turned back to her tea, "Earth Kingdom is more my type anyways." She brought the mug up to her lips and took a sip, eyeing Lin up and down in the process.

Lin's face heated and she clamped up, "Uh- yeah, right-" Kya started giggling at her. Lin pressed her lips together to try and keep from smiling, then she hit Kya lightly in the arm, "Oh shut up, quit making fun of me." She said.

Kya sat her cup down and brought her hand to her mouth to hide her laughter. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." Lin broke out into a smile.

Kya's laughter slowly died down as she rested her arms around Lin's shoulders, "You can act like you hate it when I tease, but you know you love me..." she trailed off. As she realized the words she was speaking, she slowly started pulling her arms way, "I mean- uh... I didn't mean it like that..." anxiety pooled in her stomach, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that-"

Lin brought her hand up to Kya's chin and gently pulled her into a kiss. After a few seconds, she pulled away and pressed her head against hers. "Kya, ever since you came back, it's felt like one big dream... I don't want to wake up from it. Coming home to you, falling asleep next to you, waking up- just existing around you... It's all been so lovely." She said quietly.

She dropped her head down to rest on Kya's shoulder, "You... are so lovely."

Kya couldn't feel anything besides the pounding in her own chest. She couldn't smell anything besides the soft, earthy scent. She couldn't see anything besides the tears in the corners of her eyes. And she couldn't hear anything besides the voice in her head telling her she's not travelling anymore... She's gonna stay right here.

End Chapter Notes: Yowza wowza this chapter is long overdue I apologize for not updating jdjf the fanfic author curse got my ass and I deadass won't stop getting more trauma jdjfh

Had been in counseling for a while which was going great, then my counselor dropped on me one day that we only had one session left cause she was leaving the office at the end of the month, then six days after my last appt with her, I saw a man (my step father) die on Halloween😀

Yeah talk about an awkward first counselor session w a new counselor.

I literally would've rather been in Shibuya, October 31st, 2018.

So much negative stuff has kept happening but I somehow managed this chapter through the shit show.

On a lighter note, the day after publishing the last chapter I went to the Bittersweet Daze Tour concert(Grentperez, Ricky Montgomery, Mxmtoon, and Cavetown) and I get to see Ricky again on march 3rd.

But get this

A month after the Ricky concert I get to see The Crane Wives w VANthehopeful (which is v exciting bc like that's literally my favorite band and tickets were so cheap???)

NOW TO THE POINT I've had this chapter written for a hot minute but never felt like I made enough progress on later chapters to publish it, but since it's the new year I figured everybody deserves a wittle treat <3

Anygays would you guys believe me if I said, even after this chapter, the slow burn is still slow burning AKSDKJDJCH

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