We Both got Lost in Your Angst and My Impatience

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Lin sat at home drinking her coffee.

Finally, a day off.

She was ready to lay back, relax and-

Ring... ring...

Of course.

Lin got up and answered the phone. "Hello?" She deadpanned.

"Lin, I need a favor." Her mother answered on the other line.

"Mother, it's my day off. What could possibly be so important-"

"Su isn't in school. I dropped her off there this morning, but apparently, she never went in. I need you to check my house, and if she's not there, look around town." Toph demanded.

Lin let out a heavy sigh. "Fine. But on my next day off, I'm unhooking my phone line." Lin hung up the phone.

She went back to her bedroom and put on her uniform.

She put on her shoes then headed out of the door.

Lin started her car and drove down the street, taking a shortcut to her mother's house.

When she pulled into the driveway and approached the door, she could hear laughter from inside.

Lin opened the door and saw Suyin sitting on the top of the sofa with two boys.

"Su, what're you doing at home?" Lin demanded.

"Wow. You almost look like a real cop!" Suyin exclaimed, causing the boys to snicker.

"You're supposed to be in school." Lin folded her arms.

Su rolled her eyes. "Oh no! What? Are you going to tell Mom?" She said sarcastically. "It's not like she's going to care."

"Mom's the one who sent me here on my day off." Lin looked at the boy sitting next to Su in the chair. "Where'd you get all that stuff?" He was rummaging through a backpack.

"Oh, it fell off the back of a truck." He said nonchalantly.

"What are you doing hanging out with these losers?" Lin asked.

"They're my friends and you have no right to call them that!" Suyin got in Lin's face. "Come on guys, let's get out of here." Su started walking away, the two boys following her.

Lin put her hand on Su's shoulder, making her stop. "Su, stop-"

"Get your hands off of me!" Su pushed her away.

"You have so much potential... You're ruining your life!" Lin yelled.

"At least I have a life!" Suyin snapped back before walking out of the door with her friends, slamming it behind her.

Lin glared as she looked at the closed door.

She rolled her eyes before walking out of the door and getting back in the squad car.

Lin sat her keys down on the stand by the door and walked over to the phone, dialing her mom's desk number.


"Well, Suyin was home. She was with these two boys she called her friends." Lin reported.

"Ugh, what am I gonna do with her?" Toph sighed.

"I don't know, maybe reprimand her for her actions?" Lin spoke with an attitude.

"I don't wanna hear it from you. Unhook your phone line or whatever." Lin quickly pulled the phone away from her ear as she heard her mother slam the phone down on the other line.

Lin sighed before pulling off her work shirt, a white tank top on underneath.

She looked over at the box she'd gotten in the mail and couple of weeks ago.

She opened it and pulled out the cables. Her mother sent them out to every officer in the department.

They had weights on each end and were meant to be used for catching suspects from a far distance.

I should've taken them that night I ran into Kya and those guys.

She held the cables in each hand and started practicing with them.

Lin figured if she were Sergeant, she should learn to use these tools to the best of her abilities.

And practicing every day since getting them was the best way she knew how to do it.

She tossed a cable towards the wooden beam that stood in between her living room and her kitchen, wrapping it around and then pulling it tight.

Then, she did the same with the other cable.

Knocks came from her door, and Lin dropped the cables from her hands.

She opened the door and Tenzin's smiling face greeted her.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" Lin said, wiping the little bit of sweat coming from her forehead.

"I knew you had a day off, so I figured we could go out to lunch?" Tenzin asked.

"Uh, sure. Let me get changed." Lin said, letting Tenzin inside and shutting the door.

Tenzin raised an eyebrow, cocked his head, and pointed towards the cables still wrapped around the wooden beam.

"Oh, that's something my mother wants us to learn how to use. It's supposed to be for catching suspects from a distance or something?" Lin said.

Tenzin nodded his head and took a seat on the couch.

Lin quickly changed and walked back to the living room.

She stopped at a picture in the hallway.

Lin and Suyin when Lin graduated from the police academy.

She picked up the picture and sighed.

"Lin, is everything okay?" Tenzin stood behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Lin sighed again. "Su didn't go to school today. My mom sent me to her house to see if she was there and she was."

"What did you do?" Tenzin asked.

"She was there with these two boys. They had a backpack full of stuff that I assume they'd stolen. I called them losers and she got in my face. And when I tried to stop her from leaving, she pushed me and told me that I had no life." Lin said.

"Lin, I'm sorry." Tenzin hugged her.

"It's fine Tenzin. Come on, let's go to lunch." Lin said.

Kya knocked on Izumi's door and waited for an answer.

"Kya! It's great to see you again!" Izumi smiled at her.

"It's great to see you too." Kya hugged Izumi tight.

Izumi let Kya in, and they sat at the kitchen table.

"How've you been?" Izumi asked.

"A rough couple of nights here and there, but otherwise, good." Kya said.

"Things still rocky with Tenzin and Lin?" Izumi asked.

"Actually, I think Lin and I are kinda friends?" Kya said hesitantly, not sure if that's what Lin would call them.

"Really? That's surprising since the last time we talked; you hated her guts." Izumi said.

"Yeah well, some stuff happened. Let's just say she saved my ass." Kya sighed.

"How?" Izumi questioned.

"Uh.. I ran into some bad guys and-"

"Is that what happened to your face?" Izumi interrupted.

Kya nodded her head. "Yeah, Lin broke it up and they went running. She took me back to her apartment and cleaned up my face, then she, Tenzin, and I watched a movie and ate some takeout." She said.

"Sounds like everything is fine with you two. That's really good." Izumi smiled.

The kettle on the stove started whistling and Izumi got up to pour the tea.

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