There Ain't a Drop of Bad Blood, it's all my Love, you got all my Love

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Kya had tossed and turned all night. Sleeping on Lin's couch was fine, but sleeping only a room away from her had her mind racing. She rolled over onto her back with a huff, staring up at the ceiling.

Lin's arms had gotten bigger, she must've been working out more. Kya thought it felt so nice to have them wrapped around her again. She pulled the collar of the hoodie she was wearing up to her nose and slowly inhaled. It smells like her.

She'd gotten a few hours of sleep, but when she woke up earlier, she wasn't able to go back to bed. She heard Lin's bedroom door open, then the bathroom door shut. She sat up and looked out the window. She didn't even notice the sun was coming up.

Kya stood up and folded her blanket. She sat it in the corner of the couch and stacked the two pillows on top on it. She gathered her hair into her hands and wrapped a hair tie around it, letting it fall into a messy bun, then went into the kitchen to look for some tea.

Lin walked out of the bathroom and headed for the living room. She looked to the couch and saw the blanket and pillows she'd given Kya the night before neatly folded up on the couch and smiled. She couldn't believe she almost forgot Kya was here. She heard a clatter from the next room.

When she turned the corner into the kitchen, she saw Kya standing in front of an open cabinet, her arm stretched up, looking for something. Lin couldn't help but stare at her, noticing how the sweatshirt lifted as she stretched, and how the sweatpants were low on Kya's hips, because Lin's clothes were just a tad bit too short for the taller woman.

Lin cleared her throat, making Kya jump and lightly hit her head against the cabinet door, "Ow, shit," she rubbed her head gently.

Lin snickered behind her hand before walking forward, leaning against the kitchen counter, and turning the coffee pot on, "Need help looking for something?" she said.

Kya's face flushed and she slowly shut the cabinet door, "I was just- seeing if you had any tea," she trailed off... Lin's wet hair that left a couple drops on her shoulders, the way her uniform pants fit her, the white tank top- oh, she is definitely working out more.

"Sorry, I don't. I don't usually drink tea, and when I do it's from the cafe." Lin said. She got the toaster out, "We can get some at the store after getting your stuff from the Air Temple," she grabbed the loaf of bread and popped a couple of pieces in, "my kitchen isn't really stocked for guests, so I need to stop there anyways." The kitchen was barely stocked for herself, but she wasn't going to tell Kya that.

Kya nodded her head. She watched Lin get a mug out of the cabinet above her and took a step forward, reaching for a mug of her own. But she paused when Lin turned around and faced her.

"Oh- uh-" Lin stammered, "...hi." She said meekly, her face heating up.

Kya looked down at Lin, her hand resting on the cabinet door, "Hi..." She responded in the same manner. She could feel herself taking shallow breaths, and she and Lin were looking at each other's lips.

The coffee pot spewing made them both flinch, and Kya took a step back, "Sorry- I just needed a mug. I hope it's alright that I have a cup?" She said, glancing toward the coffee pot. Lin nodded her head, "Of course- help yourself," she handed Kya the mug in her hand. When Kya turned around to pour a cup, Lin let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

Lin sat down in her chair and pulled a pen from the holder on her desk. Her office door opened and shut, and Saikhan took his seat across from her, "Coffee," he said simply as he sat the cup down. Lin picked it up and took a drink as she scribbled words onto her papers.

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