The Weather Ain't Been bad if You're into Masochistic Bullshit

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Lin got out of bed and wrapped her robe around herself. She walked into the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on, having prepared it the night before.

With a groan and arms wrapping around her waist, Lin was signaled that Tenzin stood behind her. "G'mornin'." He said into Lin's shoulder.

"Good morning." Lin said, watching the coffee slowly drip into the pot.

"Work today?" Tenzin asked.

"Mhm." Lin said with a nod of her head.

After a few minutes, Lin straightened her back out, letting Tenzin know to let go of her. She reached up and opened the cabinet above her, getting a mug from the shelf.

"Do you want me to make breakfast?" Tenzin asked.

Lin furrowed her brows and shook her head. "No, I think I'm just gonna eat some toast. My stomach's been upsetting me." She said.

"Are you feeling alright?" Tenzin said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lin said. She picked up the coffee pot and started pouring coffee into her mug. "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but you've been here for a couple nights. I'm afraid your mom is gonna think I've kidnapped you." She said with a small smirk.

"Yeah, well, I've had a few days free, and I wanted to spend them with you." Tenzin smiled.

Lin could feel his gaze and purposefully didn't meet it. She knew the look on his face already. Of course, he'd look at her with admiration. She's his girlfriend, he has to... But she also knew there was pity on his face.

And sorrow. 

And distaste.

So, she stared at her cup and stirred what little sugar she had put in it.

Tenzin opened the pantry and got the bread out, sitting it on the counter next to Lin.

"What's this for?" Lin looked up at him, confused.

"You said you were gonna make toast." Tenzin raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, right." Lin slowly reached for the bread. But Tenzin's hand stopped hers. "You sure you're alright? You've seemed, I don't know, spacey these past few days." Tenzin said.

"You... are so pretty, Lin."

Lin wondered if Kya would still think that when she's sober. But why does it matter to Lin what Kya thinks?

She wondered if it mattered to Kya what Lin thought of her.

"If you don't want to talk about it, Lin, that's fine. Just checking to make sure you're alright." Tenzin wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in to kiss her cheek.

Seems like that's all Tenzin has been asking her. Was she really acting that off? No. But she knew Tenzin's only worried about her because of the incident with Suyin.

Lin got a couple pieces of bread out of the bag and put them in the toaster. She retied the bag and sat it on the counter.

"I'm gonna head home after tonight. Just for a few nights, or longer if you want. I need to do laundry, check in on my dad. Probably help my mom with yard work. It's getting colder out so she'll need help with the garden." Tenzin said. "I should probably check in today too, actually."

"Thats okay. I have to start getting ready for work anyway." Lin said.

Tenzin put on his jacket and started out the door. "Hey, you got mail in here." Tenzin opened the little hatch by Lins door. He set the stack of envelopes and magazines down on the coffee table before giving a final goodbye.

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