"Wanna shower?" He asked.

"Together?" I asked as I took his hand and got up.

"Sure, if you want to." He said.

I shrugged and walked into the bathroom. James turned the water on and it was super fucking hot.

"What the fuck? Why do you shower with hot water? It's like 110 degrees outside." I asked.

He gave me the most be for real look and he was probably thinking I was crazy but he's crazy for wanting to be hot all of the time.

"So you shower with cold water?" James asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Your weird." He said.

"Says the person who likes to be hot like a damn farmer." I mumbled under my breath.

James raised an eyebrow at me but a grin was plastered on his face and he turned the water down until it was warm, but more on the colder side.

"That better?" He asked with an eye roll. So sassy.

I nodded and got in first. James handed me a loofa and joined me. I could feel James washing himself and I moved so he could get some of the water on him. James then shook his hair resulting in some of the water getting on me. I squeezed the loofa on him and he laughed and flicked the water at me. We kept play fighting and splashing water on each other until we decided we should really get out of the shower, and because of James's water bill.

"Let me wash your back." He said. I smiled and turned around so my back was facing him. I blushed at the contact from James's rather rough hands. He rubbed the loofa gently on my shoulder blades and moved in a circular motion. His hand gripped the muscle in between my neck and shoulder and he moved the loofa to the small of my back, the hand by my shoulder now on my waist. I let my head fall forward as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. I felt really relaxed with James's touch. So much that I didn't even notice when he finished until his hand left me. I opened my eyes, unaware of when I closed them, and turned around with a soft thank you.

We got out and I grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off. But I still didn't have clothes. I dried my hair and wrapped the towel around my waist. I was cold and I needed clothes.

"I don't have clothes." I said.

James had an oh yeah moment and ran into his room. I didn't think he needed to run but he came back with clothes and left the bathroom. The clothes were simple, boxers, sweatpants and a wife beater. I smiled I definitely felt warmer when I put them on. James's sweatpants were big on me but of course I didn't care. I normally would brush my teeth but of course, I can't. So I just put on his deodorant and walked out of the bathroom. I could hear pots clanging together and I walked into the kitchen and sat down on a chair.

"What are you cooking?" I asked curiously.

"Eggs, grits and sausage." He responded.

I remembered how my mom would cook meals like this at 12 in the afternoon. We'd always wake up late on weekends and it was laughable how she'd cook breakfast when it was lunch time but me and my siblings didn't really mind. We would always go along with her crazy dancing and surprisingly amazing vocals. But it makes sense since my mom met my dad while she was singing with her band in a local bar.

"That sounds like what my mom used to make." I said. He turned around and raised an eyebrow as to say 'oh yeah?'

"I remember she used to play this loud music and we'd sing it as she cooked." I said with a smile. My mother always knew how to make me smile even if she wasn't present.

my mechanic (kirkhammettxjameshetfield)Where stories live. Discover now