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I was exhausted after work, I was so close to passing out. But after working for 16+ hours it was time to see my favorite person. I figured I should get food since I don't really have a reason to go over to his house today. But I don't even know what he likes.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I thought about what he might like. Chinese? Wings? Pizza? Burgers? Yeah, burgers. He looks like he eats burgers. Every white guy does, and he's a cowboy so he has to eat burgers.

I stopped by this burger place and ordered two cheeseburgers, one with bacon. He probably also eats bacon on his. Another fun fact, I fucked the owners daughter in an alleyway. If you didn't know by now i'm kind of a freak.

But after getting the evils from the owner for 20 minutes I got the food and I drove to his place. I tapped the wheel nervously, what if he doesn't want to see me? I should just turn back, you're tired anyway. I shook the thoughts away and ignored my heart that was beating through my chest.

I grabbed the brown bag and walked, more like ran, up the stairs. I opened the door that was unlocked, again.

"James?" I called placing the bag down on a table. I saw a gun on the table and figured he must be a deputy or something.

"In here!" He shouted. It sounded like it was coming from the bedroom so I walked towards it but saw a light coming from the bathroom. James was in there with his shirt off and his jeans on. I saw his face in the mirror and he has a red mark underneath his eye, like he got punched there, I saw various cuts and marks but I saw this big one on his back.

"You have this big cut on your back." I said, I let my finger trace around it. His skin was sticky so he must've been working today.

"Can you get it for me? I can't reach." He asked. He gave me a bottle of alcohol, a cotton and a humongous band-aid.

I dabbed the alcohol on the cotton and rubbed it on his cut, he didn't even flinch which was weirdly hot. I remember crying when I was young whenever my dad did this to me, but he wasn't gentle and told me to suck it up and be a man.

I put my hand on his strong shoulder and I realized these are the same muscles i've been longing to touch. I let my hand trail down and feel his bicep, they were strong. Really strong. These same arms held me in place so I wouldn't move while this same guy fucked me mercilessly. I blushed and stopped, I shouldn't think about that right now. I hurried and put the band-aid on, he probably thought I was weird for caressing his arm like that.

"Thanks." He said. I smiled to say you're welcome and we walked out of of the bathroom.

"I got food, I didn't know what you like so I just got burgers." I said.

He smiled and opened the bag. "Thanks, I haven't eaten anything all day." He said.

I wanted to say me too but I decided against it, it wouldn't make sense since I ate at 2 in the morning today anyway.

I made sure to give him the one with bacon and he got a couple beers and we sat down on the couch. He turned on the TV and he ate the burger quickly and i'm glad that my guess was right, or he was just hungry. Note to self: he likes burgers with bacon and cheese.

"Can I make this a thing?" I asked. Referring to coming over everyday just to see him.

He just raised his eyebrow and continued to stare at whatever commercial was playing. I laid back since all of my courage went into that question.

"Me coming over after work to chill with you." I said, that sounded not the way I wanted to to. Answering it like that probably gave my intentions away.

my mechanic (kirkhammettxjameshetfield)Where stories live. Discover now