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We made it to the stables and I parked my truck and we walked out. Kirk was all giddy since he wanted to ride on the horse so badly.

"Wassup Tim." I said.

"Hey James, I haven't seen you round here in a minute. What's going on?" He asked.

"Nothing much. I just have my buddy with me, never rode on a horse before, so i'm gonna take him on a spin." I said.

"Well Ktulu has been doing great. She's been eating well." He said.

"Good cause if she wasn't me and you would be having a standoff." I said.

He imitated whipping out a gun and I did the same. We laughed and I headed towards Ktulu's stable. Kirk followed me around like some programmed robot and gawked at the horses.

I saw my girl and I smiled and rubbed her neck. She gave a soft neigh and a huff and nudge her head into my chest.

"I know girl, I know. I'm sorry for leaving you here for so long." I said.

I hugged her and fed her some hay. Kirk was standing and watching from afar. I smiled since he looked very nervous and I motioned for him to come here.

"Touch her neck and just rub it, she's very nice. Trust me." I said.

He giggled nervously and slowly put his hand up. Ktulu was watching him with a little judgement but her eyes softened as soon as she felt Kirk's hand slowly pet her.

"See look. She  likes it when you do this." I said grabbing his hand and moving it down. He seemed really scared so I wanted to make him feel a little better.

I walked behind since Ktulu could sense his nervousnesses and get nervous herself.

"Calm down, she won't hurt you. Trust me she's more scared of you than you are of her." I whispered gently in his ear.

Kirk's body was pressed flat against mine and his hand was in mine. It was very sexual and not sexual at the same time. That was until I spotted a man in the corner of my eye looking.

I quickly distanced myself and let go of Kirk's hand. Ktulu neighed and scared Kirk who jumped back in natural instinct.

The man walked on and I took Kirk's hand again and guided it so he could feel more comfortable with the horse. I watched as he would react when Ktulu would do normal horse things. It was funny seeing his face change. I smiled brightly and Kirk seemed more confident to interact with Ktulu.

I decided to take her out and give her a long ride since she's been cooped up in the stable for damn near a month.

"Here put your foot right there and just throw your body over." I explained.

Kirk obeyed and got himself on the horse. I hopped on and rearranged some things since I never rode with a second person before. Kirk wrapped his arms around me and laid his head on my back. Kirk was really touchy today but I didn't mind.

"You don't have to hold on, I won't go fast." I said.

"I know, I just want to." He said.

I laughed and took the hint. I yanked the rope and gave a 'yah!'. Ktulu started trotting and we were on the street. I decided to take back ways to avoid traffic since I didn't want to risk her getting hurt.

"This is nice." Kirk said.

"Yeah? You like it?" I asked.

I felt Kirk nod and I smiled. I've smiled so much today it's kind of embarrassing. But it made me happy that Kirk was happy so yeah. I've fallen pretty deep haven't I?

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