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Me and Lars were at Jimmy's brother's bar drinking a cup of beer. It was two weeks after my truck broke down and we finally decided to get together and make up for last time.

"Did your truck get fixed?" Lars asked, taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Yeah, there's this real good mechanic. He got my old pile of shit running in 1 try, I said well I'll be damned."I said with a laugh.

"Well who is he?" Lars asked.

"His name is Kirk Hammett, one good fucking mechanic." I said, I thought of when I fucked him and tried not to make it obvious more went on.

Lars nodded and called the bartender over and got another cup of beer.

"Well you missed out last week, it was a party of a lifetime. But of course I was happy cause I didn't have to share the two girls with you." He said.

I raised an eyebrow, no way Lars made to girls drop their panties.

"You, Lars Ulrich, having a threesome with two women?" I asked.

"Don't be a hater all your life Jim." He said with a laugh.

I chuckled and took a sip. No fucking way. Lars was short, skinny and very immature for his age. I mean his hair was nice and long but other than that I couldn't see why.

"How was it? Tell me everything." I said.

"Well there names was, what was they names. I don't remember but one was blonde, skinny, and she was shaved, the other was this brunette and she had curly hair, she was bigger but she had thighs and bigger tits than the
blonde one. Those women were so beautiful." Lars said.

I nodded, none of it really interested me for obvious reasons but they did sound pretty fucking hot from Lars description.

"Let me stop you for a second, how old were they?" I asked.

Lars seemed to stop. I shook my head and sighed, I always told him to verify their age if they looked too good.

"Shit, I didn't ask. But there's no way they weren't in their 20's. Actually yeah they were in their 20's cause they were telling me about college and going to the city and shit." He said.

I was relieved for my friend since I didn't want to end up hunting him and turning him in, even though I wouldn't do that even if I got an accessory charge.

Lars kept talking about that fun night when my eyes were caught on a man who walked in. Short curly hair with curls so defined you'd think it was a painting. The man noticed me and gave that familiar soft smile. Lars seemed to notice I wasn't paying attention to him and waved his hands in my eyes.

"Earth to James, what you looking at? I don't see any girls over there." Lars said.

"That's the mechanic I was telling you about." I said.

The bartender went over to Kirk and I was still staring at him. Every time my eyes fell upon him I just thought about the day my truck broke down. If you were there it was like a porno but with passion, the way his cheeks clapped as I thrusted in him, his whines begging me to slow down, the smacking sounds of our lips colliding together, how sweaty and lust filled it was. God, I need it again. We even went 3 rounds that night, on his couch.

"Well if he's as good as you say I'll give him a call." Lars said.

Kirk then got up and walked past me. I figured he was going to the bathroom and I wanted to get his contact information badly.

"I'm gonna go take a leak." I said.

I got up and rushed to the bathroom, just as I suspected Kirk was there. I walked up to him and kissed him, he accepted and kissed back. Why did I do it? I have no clue. I pulled away and he stared into my eyes all innocently.

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