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I've been thinking about James all day.

I've been so distracted that I scratched the paint off of someone's car, I broke the sewing machine, I misplaced my wrench and I still can't find it anywhere. So when work was over I got in my truck and hightailed it to his place.

I bit my lip since I didn't know if I should call first or not. I wanted to know what was up, even though it's probably none of my business, I hoped that he'd tell me, or at least find comfort in my presence.

I got out and walked up the stairs. My heart was beating fast but I ignored it and told myself 'just do it'.

When I was at the door, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I knew I couldn't do it when I was nervous so I let my body knock on its own.

"It's open!" He shouted faintly from the other side.

I felt my face flush from not knowing that, but I feel stupid for everything so I just walked right on in.

James was laying on his couch in nothing but his boxers. He looked like he hasn't been doing anything today and I closed the door behind me. He put a pair of jeans on and I stood awkwardly.

"Sorry for just showing up like this, I just wanted to check on you. Oh, and sorry for leaving before you woke up, I had to go to work." I said.

He looked at me then smiled then looked at the ground in front of him. He shook his head and sat back down, patting the spot next to him.

"No, no you're good. Thank you." He said.

I sat down next to him and put my hands in between my thighs. I felt like if I ask him anything about last night I would just be prying.

"So, how are you?" I asked. I figured I could indirectly ask him and he'd just tell me.

"I'm okay, I uhh sorry for last night." James said with a shy smile on his face. I was confused though.

Why would he be sorry? I mean I have an idea but he shouldn't feel the need to feel sorry. I felt perfectly fine helping him and cuddling with him.

"Why?" I asked.

He had a confused expression now and he looked down and played with a loose fabric in his jeans.

"Well for crying on your shoulder, probably scared the shit out of you too, and just passing out on you like that." He said. He was blushing and he pressed his lips into a thin line, still looking at the floor beneath us.

He looked very regretful and I wanted him to know that it was okay. So I took all of my courage and put my hand on his. He looked at me with even more red on his cheeks and I smiled hopefully getting my message across. Even though I don't know which message he might be taking from this.

"That's nothing to be sorry for. I'm always open to comforting you. You don't have to tell me what it was all about but i'll always be here to talk." I said. Please don't yell please don't yell.

He let a sigh and looked down at our hands. He seemed to be thinking really deeply about what I just said. He might not tell me but it's whatever.

He straightened his back and looked at me. He had tears in his eyes and he looked back down and seemed to be taking in breaths.

"Well uhh, when me and my brother were sent
to the orphanage I met this boy named Jason
and we were really close and we started dating,
My brother Cliff knew about it and he made a
plan saying that when he got out he would
adopt us so we could start our lives together.
Jason wanted to have a ranch since he loved
horses, I hated horses but I knew I was gonna
be happy if he was happy." He said, his voice cracked and he chuckled but it sounded the opposite of happy.

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