Some of the leaders of the "startups" approach and exchange a few words with those summoned, they try to be nice, friendly, they talk about other things other than business. They try to deduce which of the two I am the appointment of, but they remain cautious. At the same time, I can be the date of both at the same time, right?

Even so, I can't stop feeling uncomfortable with alcohol, with the physical contact between the two, with the palpable tension in the environment.

First, because Elijah is trying to flirt with me.

Second, because Kerem seeks to make my life miserable.

Third, because between the two of them there seems to be a certain tension when they interact.

"I think I need to go to the bathroom!" I say, standing up before Kerem stops me under the excuse that it's illegal or that I'm not allowed to go to the bathroom because their new rules say so.

When I step aside, I also take advantage of going around the environment, checking the space around and also looking at the people who have come to this club. I even go down to the center court, it will do me good to get distracted and get to know, I don't know how many times I will have the opportunity to come to a place like this.

There are drag queens, there are stripper girls, there are men who serve drinks in little clothes, I even go through a door that portrays a symbolization according to the fact that there are dolls without clothes. I read one of the signs that states rules. It is a nudist sector!

"Are you coming in, darling?"

There is a woman behind me who asks when she sees me at the door. She comes in the company of a man, I deduce that they must be an old couple, but I limit myself to not giving my prejudices in any matter.

"I'm fine!" I declare and pull away.

As soon as I run out until I reach the nearest women's bathroom. I feel a little dizzy, maybe from the drinks.

Is it possible that I don't remember how I have to get back to that VIP room where the businessmen's event was reserved? Well, you don't know what you are missing out there, this could be a very powerful night city, but I don't give it much importance, I just continue with my business, tempted with the possibility of getting lost among the people, making new friends and getting to know a little more about a world like this.

Possibly if I screw up all the way, I don't really have a chance to come to such a place.

God, the alcohol was playing havoc with my bladder. I pee so badly that I am extremely pleased once I go out and wash my hands, put on liquid soap and the sensor picks up my hands as I wash. Then I dry myself with the spray and head for the exit, however, a massive body pushes me and I jump back.

"Oh! P...excuse me!"I tell the person.

However, I stop when I see that it is Kerem. He smells exquisite, but also sour, like a lot of Bourbon. Since what time has he been drinking?

"Where the hell...have you...been, Yudien."

"Juliet is my name," I warn him for the millionth time.

I try to run away from him, but he goes into the bathroom with me.

"You can't go into the women's bathroom!"

"What does it matter to others if I identify as a woman?"

"It's absurd for you to say that and it's not right."

"What the hell are you doing here...near...the"

"I just got lost," I lie. Kerem is slurring his words, it is very difficult for him to speak. He steps forward and takes my arm. Oh!

"Let's go...Let's go."

"You don't even care!"

"Let's go." This time he looks into my eyes, shooting fire through them.

"You're crazy, Guerem."

"It's crazy that... you turn me on like that... Stop doing this! My...wife...would be so sad...! You don't get it...!"

Her eyes are suddenly glassy, ​​thick with tears.

What did he just tell me?

"Come on... Take me to the hotel... I'm a bit... dizzy," he adds, after blinking that makes his eyes moist.

I'm left stunned.

He just leaked a bit of his heart and I no longer know what to do with that hot stone that he just placed in my hands.

I "turn you on" but you think your wife would be sad about it? God, Kerem, what kind of man is hiding behind that cloak of waterproof toughness?

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