Arc Three: Lunch Date

Começar do início

Isa hesitated to be truthful with Miguel. She sighs,

"Yes. In all honesty, I'm hiding from Peter. I don't think I could talk to him right now"

She felt embarrassed to admit that.

"Isa, you shouldn't feel like you have to hide"

She sighed,

"I know but this grants me peace of mind."

"As long as you are safe and sound"

"I am, plus Peter would never hurt me"

Concerned, Miguel asked,

"Are you sure?"

Isa couldn't imagine a world where Peter would ever be capable of hurting her.

"Of course, I've known him since the 7th grade"

"Wow, that's a long time"

"Yeah, close to 15 years of friendship and it was destroyed just like that..."

She paused.

Isa needed a moment to process what she said. The truth of the situation was starting to feel real. She immediately changed the subject.

"um... Anyways, how old were you when I was in 7th grade?"

She teases. She really didn't want to think about Peter anymore.

Miguel looks up to think about what she asked. He has not thought about middle school since middle school.

"How old is seventh grade?"

"Um... I think like... 12-13 years old?"

Isa also hasn't thought about middle school since middle school.

"Wow, then I was 16-17 years old"

"Ew Miguel,"

She giggles.

"What? It's not like we were talking at that time!"

He joked back.

"I know Miguel, solo estoy jugando"

She laughed harder.

Changing the topic, Miguel asked,

"Hey, have you been working on any new fashion designs?"

Excited at Miguel's intertest,

"Yes, I actually have! I was working on a collection, I actually just finished what I was working on, it incorporates Spider-Man."

"Oh really?"

Him and Isa never really talked about Spider-Man. For a second he always thinks she means his Spider-Man but he remembers that she doesn't know. He's starting to really feel guilty.

"Yeah, I like the idea of webbing as stumble details in the cuffs, hat, and pockets. I just darkened the colors to dark blue and a bloody red. It's actually based off a dream I had of a different Spider-Man"

He cocked his head to the side in confusion,

"A different Spider-Man?"

"Yeah, in my dream this Spider-Man's suit was very futuristic and dark. I really liked it. I liked it a lot more than Spider-Man's suit"

She giggled.

This was sounding a little too familiar to Miguel. He felt like she was perfectly describing his suit.


Then it hit him.

Coño! I think she saw me.

In Another Universe (Miguel O'Hara)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora