[Chapter Forty-Nine]: You Cannot Escape

Start from the beginning

"Now, Reflection, I will grant you a deal. And you will have a choice between accepting it and denying it. And you will accept it. Out of your free will. Your life will be ended. There will be no more suffering for you. But still, a remnant of you will remain. You will guide The Guardian and ensure he fulfils his duty." He nodded out of free will. Free will. 

"You are The Guardian's trusty lil voice companion. He should call you... Reflection. Yes, you like that name. So he should call you Reflection." It was true; he had always loved the name and never hated it for even a second. 

"You are strong, Reflection. Your Strength will be crucial to:

Protect. One. For. All.

And I have to apologise, Reflection." No, he didn't, he was always right. "I lied before." No, he was being truthful. "Nothing you did when I came was out of your free will." No, he was doing everything out of free will. "But it's too late for you to go back on your decision. Again, I must apologise, Reflection.

But you are mine now.

And you will not escape. 

Guide the Guardian, Reflection.

Guide him well.

And when the time comes...

I will return to end you for good."


How many generations have passed? How will I ever know? How did I let this happen? 

Goldy, you bastard.


Y/N can be seen looking down at a seemingly endless pit, surrounded by a pitch-black void, his face shadowed and unseeable. The boy's body language shows his emotions, nevertheless, as a single tear drops from his face and lands on the ground with a quiet, yet audible, splat. When it hits the black ground, it suddenly expands into a diamond-blue sea, as the sky transitions into a starry night-sky, the Moon prevalent amongst everything else. The scene is then covered by the title card.

The scene fades away, panning to Height's Alliance, otherwise known as the dorms the U.A. students are staying in. It first shows Zion with his mouth open, supposedly explaining something to Wyatt, who is listening with intrigue. There is a notebook in his hands with only a bit of letters noticeable, though they are unable to help with figuring out what is written on there.

Then the scene transitions to Walker sitting on the couch next to Hagakure. The invisible girl is showing him something on her phone, which he is staring at curiously. She has a noticeable aura of excitement emitting from her, eager to see how Walker reacts. He simply gives a smile and speaks to her, yet his words cannot be heard.

It then proceeds to pan to a scene where Todoroki is trying to cook in the kitchen of the dorms, but is failing horribly, and Bakugo can be seen shouting at him angrily, showing one of his usual faces as he glares at the icy hot boy. Other members of Class 1-A, such as Mina, Uraraka, Iida and Kirishima, can be seen laughing at the scene.

Midoriya is then shown talking excitedly to Yaoyorozu and Carbon, who are both intrigued by what the boy has to say. There is a bright grin on his face, radiating an aura of joy, as he continues to mutter and point at his notebook frantically, which amuses both Carbon and Yaoyorozu, shown by the smiles on their face.

However, the atmosphere seemingly shifts abruptly, when Carbon is seen looking around the area, realising the absence of Y/N. He walks away from Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, heading to Walker and Hagakure, who shrug before getting back to what they were doing before. After that, he makes his way to the kitchen, but nobody knows where Y/N is. Mina's face is noticeably worried, and she runs off, with Carbon continuing to search the dorms for his brother.

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