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(Same day in the police station.)
(Police 1 sighs)  "HOLY CRAP! What a mind does this person have to outnumber all of us. Without leaving any trace or clue? Dammit! Let's hurry up!"

One cop car rushes to the actual culprit's house. They thoroughly search the place but couldn't find anything. They trace the culprit's mobile phone and go to arrest immediately.

(Back in the interrogation room.)
(Police 2 commands) "Sit down! Even you know why you have been arrested. Now, without any pause , begin to explain what you did, why you did and how you did. Make sure to answer everything honestly or else we definitely know how to make you spit the words. Understand?"

"Oh? I made you guys real mad, didn't I? I guess the medical store guy already told you everything and that's why I'm here huh. Since you guys already know everything why should I bother telling the same thing again. Just arrest me, what is done is done."

(Police 1 enters with injection) "Hey dude, stop acting cocky. You are well aware of  how this is gonna end right?"

"I'm gonna get lethally injected, aren't I? Anyways, I'm gonna confess cause I did what I had to and I don't think I did anything wrong.
The medical guy must have told you that those 3 guys and y/n were a bully and because of them, his sister took that -"

(Police 1 interrupts) "We know all that. Tell us how you are related to this case and why did YOU make him do all these."

(Shrinkhal aka SR smiles) "Well officer, his sister and I were dating at that time and of course I was affected by her death. Those 4 bullies were my friends as well but they didn't know we were dating. Even after her death, they didn't have any shame or guilt. They kept on bullying others. I just knew I had to take revenge anyhow and that is why I started dating y/n to get even more close to them. That night, I was there at the crime scene. I knew you guys would check the location, that is why I left my mobile phone at home and pretended to be just awake when y/n called me there. I told the medical guy to smear the poison all over the door knob and clean it afterwards. Then, as I planned, those 3 got in contact with the door and poisoned themselves. Then, I left."

(Police 2 questions) "What about y/n? Why didn't you kill her? Wasn't she also one of the reasons for your ex girlfriend's death?"

(SR sighs) "I didn't know she would be there. If I did, she would have died too. She just got lucky. Otherwise, nobody would have known about this case. Anyways , this is it. This is all you get to hear. I was the mastermind behind this crime."

Finally, the actual culprit, the mastermind got arrested. The police calls y/n and tells her everything. She's devastated and couldn't accept the reality. But it is what it is. SR got taken to the confinement in charge of 3 murders. He is to be executed with lethal injection in 3 weeks.


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