Chapter 17

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Elio stared out the window, trying to stop himself from overthinking the situation. It didn't help that Killian said he didn't want children. He heard the door open but he ignored it. Elio wasn't mad at Killian. He just needed time to wrap his head around the whole situation. 

"When you said you wanted kids I didn't think you already had one," Elio said before he could even stop and ponder his words.

"If it wasn't already obvious, my daughter wasn't planned," Killian said as he sat beside Elio. "She was conceived after a drunken one-night stand and she was then left at the doorstep of our main house. I don't know the mother nor do I ever plan on knowing her."

Elio just hummed in response. He knew he didn't have the right to feel negatively about Killian's situation given that he was married to another man before. 

"Are you mad?" Killian asked. 

"No, not really," Elio muttered. "I was just shocked, I guess."

"Have you ever thought of giving her away? So she could live normally?" Elio asked. 

"I would've if I could but she was dropped off at our base, any chance of her living a normal life completely vanished as soon as her mother decided to step foot in our territory," Killian said. 

"Why did she ask you if I was her other dad?" Elio asked as he turned to face Killian.

Killian on the other hand, looked away in an attempt to hide the blush that crept up on his face. 

"She saw your picture in my wallet and it escalated from there," Killian said.

"You get to spend more time with her now, right?" Elio asked even though he didn't know why he was asking, but it felt right at the moment. 

"I hope. She loves playing with other kids and ignores me most of the time," Killian chuckled. 

Unexpectedly, Elio pulled him into a kiss. There was no hesitation in Killian when he kissed back. This time, the kiss escalated quickly. Clothes were thrown haphazardly on the floor, leaving the two in their underwear while barely breaking off the kiss. Elio could feel Killian against him. He could feel his body heat up as memories of Killian being inside him taunted his mind. 

"Are you sure you want to do this again?" Killian asked.

"Yes," Elio said as he gently laid Killian on his back and straddled his waist.

"You're not going to regret it again are you?" Killian asked.

Elio could see the fear and hesitation in Killian's eyes. Elio gave him a light peck on the lips, assuring him that he really wanted to do it this time. 

"I won't regret it, I promise," Elio said as he caressed Killian's cheeks.

Elio looped his finger inside the waistband of Killian's boxers, slowly pulling it down, revealing the skin underneath, inch by inch. Elio slowly leaned down and Killian was looking at him with anticipation. The sight of Elio was enough to send him to climax. Just as he was about to be free from the confines of his underwear, the door slammed open. 

"Daddy! What's taking so long?" the little girl whined. 

Killian cursed under his breath as Elio almost threw himself off of the bed. He grabbed his shirt from the floor and quickly put it on and tucking his dick into his waistband. Killian on the other hand, grabbed a pillow to cover himself.

"Daddy, you said you were going to introduce me. I was waiting," she pouted.

Elio cast a sideways glare at Killian and it sent chills down his spine. Elio crouched down in front of Killian's daughter and held his hand out.

"I'm Elio. What's your name?" Elio introduced. 

"Oh, I know your name is Elio. Daddy always mentions you. You know he has a picture of you in his wallet but you look different now, but you still look the same. I never met you before but I already know a lot about you because daddy always talks about you," the girl rambled. 

"Kaela," Killian warned in an attempt to stop his daughter from babbling but it was no use. 

"Hush Daddy, I'm talking," Kaela scolded her dad. "Anyway, I'm Kaela," she finally introduced herself and shook Elio's hand. "You know that daddy has pillows with your clothes on it-"

"Kaela!" Killian tried warning her again.

"Daddy, hush!" Kaela huffed. "Come, Papa, we'll talk somewhere where Daddy can't interrupt us."

Elio laughed as he was pulled away by the little girl. Killian pouted and begged Elio not to leave but Elio just waved him goodbye. Killian sighed but couldn't stop the smile on his face. It felt nice that Kaela was already warming up to Elio. Killian let his head fall back down on the pillow. He stared at the ceiling as he willed himself to calm down.

Elio let himself be dragged by Kaela to her room and just like other little girls, her room looked like that of a princess. Kaela let his hand go before running to her bedside table and pulling something out of the drawer. It was a silver locket. One that Elio was far too familiar with. He crouched in front of Kaela as she gently placed the locket in his hand.

"Daddy gave it to me and told me I should be the one to give it to you just in case he will never be able to," Kaela said. 

"Thank you, sweetheart," Elio said as he opened the locket, revealing the first photo they took together. 

Elio smiled as he recalled the memory he thought had faded from his mind.

"You should wear it," Kaela said.

Elio hesitantly wore it around his neck. He didn't want to disappoint the little girl so he did what she said. 

"It does look good on you. Daddy always tells me how good you look while wearing that necklace. You know, Daddy has a lot of paintings of you. Come, I'll show you," Kaela said excitedly.

Elio was once again dragged by the little girl and they went up into the attic space where Killian had spent his time alone, painting portraits of Elio. Killian had captured his face brilliantly in every portrait, with each and every detail of his painted accurately. The paintings were even more himself than he. Elio couldn't explain it. He was left speechless. 

"Kaela! I told you not to bring anyone in there!" Killian yelled from the bottom of the stairs. 

"He's your muse, Daddy. It's okay!"

A few seconds of silence passed before being followed by footsteps rapidly coming up the ladder. 

"It's not what it looks like," Killian immediately tried to explain as he stepped foot into the attic. 

"Killian, what is it supposed to look like?" Elio asked with a raised brow. 

"Uh, I don't know?" Killian nervously chuckled. "I mean, I just didn't want to forget your face so I painted your portrait when I had time and so, yeah."

Elio chuckled at the flustered Killian. "Let's get out of here Kaela before your father dies from embarrassment."

"Oh, he has something more embarrassing! Come with me!" 

"Kaela!" Killian called out as the two went down the ladder. "It's your nap time. Leave Elio alone!"

"It's three in the afternoon! I already had my nap," Kaela yelled back before running down the hall with Elio following behind her. 

"I know damn well you did not," Killian muttered under his breath. 

Killian had no choice but to let his daughter tug the reigns. He was left wallowing in embarrassment as Kaela revealed all of his deepest darkest secrets. If it weren't for the smile on Elio's face, he would've pulled his daughter away sooner. Elio was surprised with how little Kaela never ran out of stories about her father.

Killian noticed how Kaela's words started to slur and she was fighting with herself as she tried not to fall asleep. Killian chuckled and carried Kaela into his arms, thankful that his embarrassment finally ended. For the day at least. Elio followed behind as Killian placed Kaela in her bedroom, tucking her into bed.

The two went back to their room and with the click of the lock, Elio was thrown over the bed. 

"You're not going to walk after this."

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