Chapter 11

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"I'm getting rusty," Elio muttered under his breath as he reviewed his target board.

"That's rusty? You only missed the center once. That's better than most of my men," Killian said. 

"You don't think your men would be pissed that a newbie, not even a newbie, a trophy would be the one training them?" Elio asked with a raised brow. "Not only that, I've never killed anyone. How will they listen to me?"

"They'll listen to you because I'll be here with you whenever you train them," Killian replied. 

Elio sighed but nodded anyway. "When do I start?"


"What?!" Elio exclaimed in shock. "At least give me time to prepare!"

"You'll be fine," Killian said, patting him on the shoulder.

Soon enough, Killian's men started piling into the training room. A few of them gave him odd looks but quickly looked away. The others ignored him completely.

"Morning, Boss," they all chanted at the same time. 

"Elio here will be training you today. I expect you to treat him no less than you treat me or your colleagues. Understood?" 

"Yes, boss," they all replied. 

Some of them gave Elio disapproving looks but Elio ignored them. As much as he hated to admit it, Killian being there helped calmed his nerves. Elio looked around and saw Marcus at the other end of the training room. They nodded at each other in acknowledgment before Elio stepped forward in front of the men. 

"Uhm, hi? I'll be training you today, I guess," Elio shrugged. 

One of the men scoffed and the next thing he knew, he was down on the floor, writhing in pain. Elio stood there in shock, wondering what the fuck just happened. None of the other men looked surprised but it was clear that they would be on their best behavior from now on. One guy, whom Elio remembered as Jace, pulled the guy up and that's when he saw the dagger lodged in his stomach. Elio looked back at Killian with a raised brow and he returned a shrug. 

Elio sighed and turned back to the men. He figured that showing his skills would earn their trust faster than him standing there and talking. Elio took the gun and from where he stood, shot the target board three times. All landing in the middle. 

"Stations please," Elio said.

A few of the men were looking at him with wide eyes while the others moved to their stations.

"Move your fucking asses!" Killian yelled.

"Killian, be nice," Elio scolded. 

"Sorry," he muttered under his breath. 

The men were certainly even more shocked than they were before. Nobody could ever talk to their boss like that. Not even his most trusted men. Elio didn't waste any more time and started to instruct the men one by one. Killian was starting to regret his decision as he watched Elio touch all these men in front of him. It was taking everything in him not to shoot them one by one. 

The icing on the cake was when Elio was standing behind one of them with his arms on either side, holding the guy's arms and hands up into position. Their bodies were too close for Killian's liking. Elio didn't need to focus on Marcus since he already knows Elio's techniques but they couldn't really make small talk either. 

After just half an hour of instructing them, most were able to line up their shots perfectly. Killian checked all their work and for the first time, they were able to rest early. Killian was more than happy to let them go after seeing Elio be so touchy with them. That may not be exactly the case but that's what Killian saw. 

The men started piling out, and instead of the disapproving looks they were giving him earlier, it was now replaced with respect and admiration. Elio could only nod at Marcus as they walked out. He doesn't know when his training will end. He just needed to be with him as soon as possible so they could get out of there. 

"You did a great job," Killian said, awkwardly standing in front of Elio with his hands in his pockets. 

He wanted to hug Elio and tell him how proud he is of him but he knew Elio wouldn't allow him to do that just yet. 

"Eh, it's just natural to me, I guess," Elio shrugged.

"You want pizza?" Killian asked.

He didn't miss the light sparkle in Elio's eyes as soon as he mentioned the pizza. 

"That would be nice," Elio replied, containing his excitement. 

The food that they serve here is great, but he was badly missing some takeout pizza. Killian led him out of the basement and into the garage. Elio raised a brow at him but he just motioned for him to follow. Elio sighed and followed him into the car. Elio was happy to be out of the mansion but he hid it from Killian. He didn't want him to think that they were slowly getting back to the way they were. 

As they drove, Elio was twirling his wedding on his finger. Killian caught a glimpse of it and couldn't help but feel jealous. It should've been him Elio was married to. If he weren't such a coward back then, then maybe things would've turned out differently. Elio noticed the change in Killian's mood but didn't say anything. He doesn't want to act as if he cares. 

They got to a pizza place and ordered through the drive-thru. Once they for their pizza, Killian drove them to an empty parking lot and parked the car. 

"What are we doing here?" Elio asked.

"We're eating here," Killian replied. "Don't worry, it's safe. I wouldn't take you here if it weren't."

Elio sighed and opened the pizza box and handed the other box to Killian. 

"Thank you," Elio muttered. 

He wasn't about to be ungrateful.

"You're welcome," Killina replied, a small smile grazing his face. 

The two ate in comfortable silence. Killian had never seen Elio look this peaceful ever since he stepped foot in the mansion, or rather kidnapped into the mansion. The pizzas were gone and the boxes were discarded at the back. The two sat there in silence, not really knowing what else to say or do next.

Killian looked over at Elio, observing his features that he had been longing for. Killian was subconsciously leaning toward Elio. Elio felt Killian coming near him so he turned his head and his lips touched Killian's. Their lips were barely millimeters apart, their breaths becoming one. Killian closed his eyes and pressed his lips against Elio's.

Elio sat there frozen, trying to process what is currently happening. Killian pulled away after a while and before he could even open his eyes, Elio slapped his across the cheek, leaving a stinging sensation behind. Killian opened his eyes and saw Elio looking at him with a mix of anger, confusion, and longing. 

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking-"

"Let's just go back please," Elio muttered as tears brim his eyes. 

Killian nodded and drove off the parking lot. He stole glances at Elio now and then but the latter was looking out the window, hiding his face from Killian. When they returned to the mansion, Elio locked himself in the bathroom once again. Killian sighed and dropped down face-first on the bed. He wanted to scream into the pillow. He doesn't even know why he felt compelled to kiss Elio. 

Killian, shouldn't be moving this fast. He can't just replace the man that had been in Elio's heart for years. Killian sighed and got off the bed. To his surprise, Elio was already standing beside him and before he knew it, his lips were on his. 

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