Chapter 1

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The promise never came. Elio waited, day after day.  Until that days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, and then the months turned into years. Six years. For six years, Elio waited. Despite the constant and major changes in his life, Killian was still floating at the back of his head. Elio had changed from that day. Far from the teenage boy that he used to be. Far from the hopeless romantic that he used to be. 

The cigarette was flicked out of his fingers and he looked over to see his husband giving him a disapproving look. He made a promise a long time ago that he will never smoke or do drugs, but he broke a promise too so it was only fair. Elio looked a lot different than he used to. From a slim, lanky teenager to a jacked man covered with tattoos. Elio used to dream of being a doctor one day but now he takes lives for a living instead. 

"I thought we were done with smoking," Lorenzo said as he grabbed a mint from his pocket.

"Sorry, force of habit," Elio said with an innocent smile. 

Lorenzo just rolled his eyes and handed Elio the mint. Elio took it without fuss and pecked Lorenzo's lips. 

"If I catch you one more time, or even catch a whiff of cigarette on you, there will be no sex for a month," Lorenzo said before walking off. 

"Wait, Enz! That's not fair," Elio whined as he trailed after Lorenzo. "Here, you can throw away the rest of the pack. Come one, Enz."

Lorenzo stopped in his tracks, grabbed the pack, and threw it in the trash. Elio was sad to see his cigarettes go to waste but he can't stand a month without a dick in his ass. Lorenzo gave him a proud smile before grabbing his hand and pulling him back inside the house. 

"Boss, we got a lead," Marcus, Lorenzo's right-hand man, said as soon as he saw the two walk in. 

"About fucking time," Lorenzo said with a triumphant smile that soon fell when he saw the fear in Elio's eyes. 

Lorenzo pulled Elio back to their room and that's when he started to break down. Lorenzo held Elio in his arms, not uttering a word. He waited until Elio was able to calm down on his own, knowing his words would only cause him to break down even more. It was probably because he could never say the right words.

"What if he gets away?" Elio said, voicing his worries. 

"He won't. We planned this for years. I promise you, I will never let him lay a finger on you, do you understand?" Lorenzo promised as he held Elio's face in his hands. 

"I'm so scared, Enz. I'm so scared," Elio's voice shook as the words came out of his mouth. 

He slumped against Lorenzo. He suddenly felt extremely fatigued. Elio doesn't even know if he still wanted to do this. Getting involved in the mafia was something he never expected in his life but somehow found himself in it anyway. But it saved his life, quite ironically. 

"Do you want to come with us?" Lorenzo asked.

"No. I couldn't see him again. I don't think I'd be able to handle it," Elio said.

Elio felt useless. He was being weak. He had done nothing to help despite him being the cause of all of this. Elio climbed into the bed and Lorenzo gave him a soft kiss on the forehead before leaving him alone. Lorenzo knew he needed a bit of time to think to himself and calm down so he let him be. 

Lorenzo went down to his office where his men are waiting. They have been planning this for years and now they finally got the chance to do it. 

"Lia's confirming his location. Once it's confirmed, we're moving out as soon as we can. This is a foolproof plan. If one of you fucks up, you're getting a bullet in your head. Understood?" Lorenzo said, authority booming in his voice.

A chorus of "Yes boss" echoed in the room. They all anxiously waited for the confirmation. All the guns, equipment, car, and all his men are set. Only five people are needed for the job but another five were left on standby, just in case anything happens. 

"Boss, his location is confirmed. It would take less than thirty minutes for us to get there. Let's just hope he's not changing locations," Lia said.

Lorenzo just nodded and ordered his men to move out. He quickly checked on Elio but he had already fallen asleep so he made sure to leave him a note and a kiss on the forehead. They all got inside the van and quickly drove off. Lorenzo was finally going to be able to avenge Elio. That man deserves everything that was coming to him. He ruined Elio in every way possible and Lorenzo was going to make sure that that man would never get to see the light of say ever again.

The time was flying by fast and they already reached their destination. It was a small warehouse in the countryside. They parked the car behind the wall of trees, a few kilometers away from the warehouse. One of his men scouted the area and identified three men outside the premises. Another quickly eliminated all three before they all moved toward the warehouse.

Their movements were swift as they slipped inside the warehouse. They spotted five more men and none of them even got the chance to draw their guns before a bullet was placed in their heads. Lorenzo felt proud. He had trained his men well. They finally reached the room where the man was located. Lorenzo ordered his men to stay outside. Lorenzo made sure that his presence was known as he slammed the door open. 

"It's nice to see you again Kristoff," Lorenzo greeted with a bright smile on his face.

"Bold of you to just barge in his Moretti," Kristoff said as he crossed his legs, trying to appear as calm as possible but Lorenzo didn't miss the slight shake in his voice. 

"I would make this painful for you but I need to get back to my husband."

Kristoff pulled out his gun but Lorenzo was quicker, shooting his hand in an instant. Kristoff yelled in pain as he clutched his now bleeding hand.

"You fucking piece of shit!" Kristoff yelled, earning him another bullet to the leg. 

"You can't even ask for help. All your men are dead," Lorenzo mocked. 

"You're not coming out of here alive," he threatened but Lorenzo just laughed. "You're so smug you piece of shit. You're going to die. Mark my fucking words, Lo-"

A bullet went straight to his mouth, ending the man's life in a split second. The rest of the men were already dousing the warehouse in gasoline as he walked out. With one last gallon of gas, they all exited the structure before throwing a lighter. The warehouse was quickly engulfed in flames and Lorenzo took a few pictures to show Elio later on.

They all walked back to the van to the van and as soon as Lorenzo opened the door, a gun was pointed at his head. The rest quickly pulled out their guns and pointed them at the hooded figure. They couldn't identify the person holding a gun to their boss' head. He was dressed in black from head to toe and his head was completely covered. 

Lorenzo was wondering how clear the man's vision was. Despite having a gun aimed at his head, Lorenzo stayed suspiciously calm. He was about to open his mouth to say his piece but a bullet was quickly lodged in his head. The van quickly drove off as the rest of the men stood there in shock. Everything happened in a split second. Lorenzo's body dropped to the floor like a fly. Nobody could even react. They just stared at his dead body as the distance between them and the van grew.

"Boss, don't fuck with us like that," Lia said as she crouched down beside Lorenzo's body, shaking him in an attempt to wake him up. "He's fucking with us right?" Lia nervously chuckled as she looked over to the others. 

Marcus crouched down beside Lia and closed Lorenzo's eyes.

"I'll call back up and tell them to pick us up," Marcus said.

Marcus knew they have to keep their guard up and get out of the premises as soon as possible or they'll end up in a probably worse situation than they are in now. That's why he was chosen by Lorenzo as his right-hand. He's able to think clearly and come up with solutions even during worst-case scenarios. Now all he could think about is how they're going to tell Elio.

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