Chapter 3

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The man stared at Elio's unconscious form. He thought he had left everything behind but here he was, haunting him back. He never thought that he would ever see him again. 

"You still look so beautiful," he whispered under his breath as his hand caressed Elio's hair. "I'm sorry we meet again this way."

Elio stirred in his sleep. His eyes opened and a faint smile appeared on his lips. The man was confused. He was expecting Elio to be mad at him. Resent him for what he did.

"You really show up with no fail, huh?" Elio chuckled. "It's really not good that my husband just died and you're the one showing up in my dream," he mumbled.

The man froze. He was Lorenzo's husband. All along he thought he was just Lorenzo's right hand. Lorenzo was not an ally or an enemy. They simply coexisted with them and not once were there any rifts between the two families, seeing how Lorenzo has relatively less power than him and mostly dealt with businesses he could care less about. Elio also hadn't meddled in the mafia's business. He mostly worked directly under Lorenzo and training his men. 

It was only when he heard about plans for the death of his father that he looked into them and that's when he saw Elio. At first, he didn't want to believe it but the more he investigated, the more he realized that it truly was him. He wanted to end Lorenzo's life then and there, by pulling Elio into this kind of life. The life he never wanted for him. 

"Killian, I miss you so much. After all these years I still fucking miss you yet I hate you at the same time," Elio said as he reached out to touch the hand on his head. 

Elio's body tensed, his eyes were wide in shock when he realized that he was indeed holding a man's hand. His eyes stared into Killian in disbelief. 

"Hey," Killian greeted. 

Elio pushed his hand away and scrambled off the bed, searching for a gun or a weapon to use against him. Killian didn't stop him. He knew that it was all a shock to him.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Elio asked in a state of panic.

"You need to calm down Elio," Killian said as he stood up from the chair and approached him.

Elio found himself stuck. He was already pressed against the wall and his mind couldn't conjure up a plan to escape. 

"Answer my question!"

"Killian. I'm Killian," Killian calmly answered.

"No! No, you're not him! You're not my KIllian. He could never be involved in something like this," Elio cried, tears now freely flowing down his face. 

"Elio, look at me please," Killian said as he held ELio's face.

He coulnd't look. Elio couldn't look. It wasn't real. He might still be dreaming. That was what he was telling himself. HE could feel Kilian's pleading look but he kept his gaze down. His fingers felt rough against his skin. This wasn't his KIllian. Kiliian was obessessive with his hands and always carried a hand lotion. It wasn't his KIllian. It doesn't feel like his Killian. 

"Eli, please, look at me," Killian begged.

Elio broke down. He hadn't heard that name in so long. Lorenzo called him that once and he snapped. Hearing that name just brought too many unpleasant memories. Elio looked up and the face that he longed to see for years was now right in front of him. Killian smiled once their eyes met. Those eyes that he had to let go of so long ago was now in front of him once again. 

"Hi," Killian greeted, joy evident in his voice.

Elio felt his anger rise up. He pushed Killian away from him and delivered a punch straight to his face. Killian stumbled backwards but kept his balance. He could barely get his footing back before another punch was sent his way. This time, Killian fell backwards and hit the bedside table, causing the vase to crash on the floor.

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