Chapter 7

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"Elio," Marcus called out as soon as he spotted Elio. "Can we talk please?"

"Sure," Elio said as he sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry. I really don't know what happened to Lorenzo's body. I buried him in the backyard and all our cars were shot so there was no way I could've driven him somewhere. I had to walk for miles to get here. I'm really sorry, Elio. I don't-"

"Marcus," Elio said, cutting off Marcus. "It's fine. I'm sorry for taking out my anger on you. I'm just mad that I didn't get to say goodbye. Not before he left and not even in his death and I felt robbed of the opportunity. I have no idea who took Lorenzo's body and I can only hope that they continue to respect it."

Marcus nodded and pulled Elio into a tight hug. They were both mourning the loss of Lorenzo and neither of them really had the time to grieve. Elio felt comfort in the arms of his friend. He knew how important Lorenzo was to his men and he knew that it was painful for them to lose him, but at least a lot of them get to join him again in death. 

"Killian assigned me to be your bodyguard," Marcus said. "We'll mostly be together and you know what that means right?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, we get to formulate a plan to escape," Elio replied with a smile. 

"HE has taken a liking to you," Marcus said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"The way he looks at you."

Elio's heart was pumping hard against the walls of his chest but he kept a calm facade. As far as he knows, nobody knows of their history and he's hoping that it would stay that way. The last thing he needs is people using him against Killian.

"I'm his trophy, remember? If he looks at me like whatever you're saying that means he trusts me. It would be easier for us to scout escape routes without being spotted. How long do you think it will take?" Elio asked.

"I don't know. A few months?" he replied. "And the thing is, despite being your bodyguard, my room is far from you so that's another thing we need to think about," Marcus said.

Elio was about to reply but Killian walked into the room, halting their conversation.

"Hey, I was looking for you," Killian said, wrapping his arm around Elio's waist. 

Marcus stepped back, observing the two. Something was definitely going on and Killian's actions are fueling his suspicions. 

"Here, I got you a new phone," Killian said, handing Elio a box. "My number is already there. You can add Marcus' when we get him one."

Elio muttered a thank you and took the phone from the box.

"Marcus, I suppose that you've been informed of your duties?" Killian asked. 

"Yes, sir," Marcus replied.

"I trust you to do what you're told. You're under my care now and it's best that you not betray my trust, okay?" Killian warned.

"Yes, sir."

"You're dismissed for today. Get ready for your training tomorrow before your shift." Killian said.

Marcus wanted to contest but decided against it. Marcus nodded and left the room.

"You like it? I can get another model if you don't like that one," Killian said.

"No, I'm good with this one. Thank you, Killian," ELio replied.

"You're welcome," he said as he placed a strand of Elio's hair behind his ear. "You look good with long hair."

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