Sodo-Life Eternal Part 1

Start bij het begin

"That's enough!" Sodo roared and I noticed how he gave gas.
"Sodo, don't you dare! You don't stoop to their level now!" I warned him, but he didn't react, just drove on and only got faster.
"Sodo! Stop!" I yelled at him but he just shook his head.
"You stubborn! Stop encouraging them too, that's what they want!" I kept trying, but the ghoul wouldn't listen to me. I held on to my seatbelt, trembling, as Sodo raced across the street and followed the others. The young people's car had to be able to do about 210 km/h, but we caught up much faster.

"Sodo please leave it, otherwise something will happen"
"The Highway is empty, what should happen apart from these idiots?" he asked and continued to race towards them. I could clearly see that they were getting nervous because they were waving their hands around.
"Sodo please" I said but realized that it was no use. We raced closer and closer and I closed my eyes because I was scared.

Suddenly Sodo hit the brakes and I opened my eyes again. We were very close to going up. I sighed anxiously as he drove past them and continued to race.
"That's what I call being in control of a car and not swerving at the last moment!" He yelled loudly and I slapped him on the shoulder
"You idiot! Did that have to be? You just provoked them and almost caused an accident!" I yelled at him.
"Nothing happened, relax" he mumbled and I just looked at him in horror.

"Relax? We almost died!" Sodo just sighed in frustration while I saw on the speedometer that we were slowing down again. In the mirror, however, I saw the idiots coming back and sighed.
"Take the next exit." I said but Sodo was about to protest.
"RIDE THE NEXT RUN!" I yelled at him and he nodded silently.

The idiots were getting closer and seemed to be trying to do the same thing as before. Then they swerved to the left just behind us, but I saw the mistake immediately.
"BRAKE!" I screamed, but it was too late. They moved over way too early because they had miscalculated. The next moment the back of the other car hit our front and knocked us sideways.

Due to the high speed, Sodo lost control of the car and we crashed into the guardrail, which broke under the force of the impact and we flew down the hand.

Our car overturned and at some point I no longer knew where up and down was, but just felt pain all over my body. I heard screams, both my own and Sodo's, but couldn't tell them apart because I was out of control. Eventually the car stopped turning and I felt my head fall into my airbag. I couldn't move and everything hurt. I heard Sodo breathing heavily next to me and seemed to be unable to breathe. I wanted to look at him, but I couldn't raise my head.

"River? River!" I heard him scream but I couldn't answer even if I wanted to.
"Please don't be dead!" I heard him tug at the buckle on his seat belt and it didn't seem to come loose. I didn't hear exactly what he was trying to do, just noticed that at one point he slipped out the window and ran across the roof before yanking open my door. There he stood in front of me. His hair is all messy, a laceration on the side of his head, a few minor scratches and his eyes wide with shock.
"River!" I looked into his eyes. The shock was still in my limbs, but eventually I managed to find my voice

"S-sodo" I said with a trembling voice.
"I'm here, I'll get you out of there!" He moved me slowly and carefully and I groaned at every move he made as I was in so much pain.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" He kept saying until he was finally able to lift me out of the car by my legs and shoulders, but it was all so heavy that I just let my arms and head hang.
"It hurts so bad!" I wailed and he nodded.
"I know, love but it will get better I promise"

I felt us walk a few steps for a while before he sat down and I felt his lap and the ground beneath me.
"River, I'm so sorry," Sodo whimpered and I smiled softly.
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." He just kept looking at me sadly.
"How bad do I look?" I asked and Sodo looked down at me.
"You look hot as always" he forced a smile onto his face but I could tell he was lying by the tears forming in his eyes and also by the fact that he looked down briefly before looking up again..
He only did that when he was nervous or shy. He definitely wasn't shy, which is why only nervousness remained and he was only that when he was lying. I looked at him with a sigh and snuggled up to him a little. We were silent for a while before I looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

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