Chapter 4- Flying Solo

Start from the beginning

"Stuck alone with you for an entire flight, great." I made sure my sarcasm was massively heard, but he just chuckled, irritating bastard.

I knew I didn't have to be polite to him, not until New York. I had eight hours of my time and I had my books and my headphones so I was sorted.

Walking up the metal staircase to the plane and I was shocked to see the interior of the luxury plane. A woman greeted me.

"Good morning Ma'am," her American accent was polite and professional. "Champagne, tea or coffee?"

I took one of the champagne flutes from the tray she held.

"Oh any form of alcohol would be amazing right now, in fact, let's not let my glass get empty shall we."

"Er, of course." The woman was confused as I just walked into the main cabin area.

The cabin was far more spacious than I had anticipated. There were seats on their own, some in doubles with tables. Some were facing out into what should have been the aisle.

I took on the solo seats with a table in front of it. Placing my handbag on the table and my carry on beside my feet. I watched him enter the plane, greeting the server and asking for a coffee, she smiled and left. Why the hell didn't he pay her for her company, why me! I huffed as I sipped the expensive tasting drink.

"Hello and good morning," the tannoy spoke like a regular flight, I noticed three or four more men entered the plane and stood speaking to them. "We are on schedule for this eleven hours and five-minute flight to LA. Please take your seats and enjoy the flight."

Roman sat on the seat beside me, well there was a big gap between us but still.

"LA? I thought we were heading to New York?" I asked him.

"We will, I have to pick up my suit from my tailor who is currently in LA. Besides, part of the arrangement is I buy you the clothes needed for the days in New York."

I was trying to wrap my head around this all, this meant more time away and more time with Roman.

"Hold on-"

He interrupted me just as the hostess brought over his coffee and just before we started the ascend to the sky.

"You should know this Amelia," he purred as he looked directly at me. "The dates given were actually twelve days, didn't you think to ask?"

"No, you said-"

He interrupted me again, prick. "I said and stated ten days in New York. But I have you contracted for twelve."

I grabbed my handbag and found the printed copy Lexi and I had read over or at least we thought we had. I read the dates he was right, he had put twelve days instead of ten.

"Wait, you-"

He cut me off, again! "The rule is still intact, you don't have to be with me or be my fake girlfriend until we land in New York. This is literally us buying what we need to make it through the wedding, call it buying supplies if you want to keep it strictly business."

"Firstly, Mr Archer I plan on keeping this the strictest of strictly professional," he mused at my words, "secondly, you keep interrupting me and you will be kicked all the way over the Atlantic to LA, got it?"

"You haven't changed have you?" He laughed as he sipped from his coffee.

"Yeah, I have, I don't tolerate arseholes like you anymore." I reminded him as I drank the last of my Champagne and eyed the waitress who smiled to retrieve the bottle.

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