Chapter 34: Reunited, and it feels fucking good.

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At least they don't make me sleep in my own filth. I'm allowed plenty of bathroom breaks, though I suspect it has more to do with the fact they don't want to smell my stink. But since I'm trying to distract myself by finding things to be thankful for, I'm choosing to look at this aspect positively.

The other thing I can be gracious for is that my abductors seem to ignore me, thus forgetting that I can hear their conversations. Which means I've managed to learn at least a few things. Not that I can do a damned thing with any of the information.

They're still pumping the air with Dragon bone dust, which is rather inconvenient for me. Angus is very much under a repeatedly abused Imperius Curse. Crystal's wand is actually just a sharpened piece of wood that she made once Ava dragged her out of her foster home all those years ago and unveiled her parentage.

One very interesting tid bit I've personally found highly intriguing is that they've made their base here without the Fae's permission to do so. Therefore they are almost constantly fighting them somewhere around this dilapidated castle's property. Aaaaaaaand they've had severe loses due to that fact! That shouldn't make me so happy, and yet it does.

I've learned that Ava wants to be Empress of the entire Wizarding World, not just Minister of Magic in Britain. No this power hunger looney toon wants to rule the world.

How disappointingly cliche.

Like get your own horrifying dream, quit piggybacking off everyone before you. Right?

Maybe I'll get lucky for once and the Fae will eviscerate my enemies for me.

Alas luck is an elusive lady, one not easily swayed since I'm still here bound in an enchanted rope on the rubble littered floor.

My brain and body seem to pause. I swear I can hear a dragon roaring in the distance...

Hope springs up swiftly within me. I straighten my spine and cock my head in an attempt to hear better. When I hear another obvious roar followed I actually allow that hope to rise further. Usually it's just a figment of my wishful imagination, but I know that roar.

My dragon is here.

Death and destruction surely to follow.

Damn me to hell if you must, but I can't help the absolutely wicked grin that slowly adorns my face.


Angus' head rotates slowly looking at the doorway. Momentarily he looks rather confused, before robotically getting up and heading my direction.

Without hesitation, as best as I'm able, I spring to my feet. As hard as I can without injuring myself too bad, I headbutt Angus with everything I've got.

Groaning, his head snaps back harshly, his hands automatically up trying to staunch the bleeding pouring down his face from his broken nose. Shaking his head as if to clear his mind, his blood slings all around the room before his gaze settles on me.

Angus' eyes widen with alarm. Then he's yanking me up by my armpits, leaning in he whispers in my ear.

"I need you to play along. Come to the dungeons but don't fight me in earnest. When we get there, the air will be free of... other ingredients. Nod if you understand."

I nod, right before I half heartedly curse him and mildly thrash about.

Staying true to character, Angus plasters a gooey-eyed dazed over look on his face before yanking me toward the door. Also true to form he doesn't say a word as he does it. Which is exactly how he should be acting if he were still under the curse. He's so good it actually makes me wonder if he's been free of it before now at some points and I just never noticed.

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