Chapter 8: The Lord of Malfoy Manor

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Lucius' back is toward us when we enter. He seems to be deep in thought staring out upon his grand estate through the window, king of his castle. Completely at ease in his space.

It's rather irritating.

Before our presence is made known I take the opportunity to take in the study of the Lucius Malfoy. Notoriously famous Death Eater, whom mind you is on strict house arrest.. and when I say strict I mean, the man has so many traces on him he's a walking tracker. If he were to set his even his pinky toe across his property line, a dementor will be there to swoop him up and depending on the severity a little kiss.

His study isn't anything like Draco's. While it still has some of the Slytherin green dispersed throughout, such as the drapes, and some lush rugs, its mostly grey, white and black. The walls are a dark grey, making the room darker than need be, while the furniture is all white, aside from the desks and lamps those are black. And while they do look incredibly expensive, it's so dark and bland its depressing. You'd think someone who's been confined to his own property, known for sulking in his office, would have a bit of a more pleasant space.

Draco clears his throat beside me, letting Lucius know we've arrived while making me jump slightly at the break in silence. Lucius tilts his head every so slightly, letting a piercing grey eye peak through the curtain of white blonde hair he's now wearing free from its tie.

You must get your curls from your mother, I send to Draco.

Stop staring at me like I'm a piece of meat, Granger. Must you objectify me so?

Taking in Lucius, long pin straight hair, it becomes rather obvious he either spells the shite out of it or Narcissa has curls she strangles each morning into that blasted bun.

I wonder who he got his dimples from? Those damned things have had me weak in the knees for far longer than I'd care to admit.

"Fire whiskey or elf wine?" Lucius says, abandoning the window and facing us.

Looking over at Draco, I'm prepared to follow his lead. Especially since we both know I tend to sling insults and stalk off. Merlin knows they make it easy, and it brings me far too much satisfaction to use muggle references to do so.

Though Draco is glaring at his father, I can't help but to get lost in his profile. His perfect nose, sharp jaw, nice high cheekbones, ugh. No wonder Witch Weekly named him the Sexiest Seeker of the Century. Blasted, bored old bints. Though the pictures from photo shoot...

"We're fine. Thank you for inquiring. Now shall we?" Draco says curtly. Keeping our hands linked, he walks us over to the surely enchanted (no way it could stay that pristine otherwise) white sofa.

Lucius takes the large wing-backed chair, sliding it slightly so its turned toward the both of us. With his hands clasped together in his lap, and his face one of absolute indifference, we sit in silence.

And goddamn it's driving me utterly bonkers.

"As fun as this reunion has been, could we skip to the bit where you tell me what it is you want? With that said I must warn you I have no issue with beating you with my bare hands the muggle way if you so much as breathe offensively toward Hermione."

A tiny gasp escapes as I fight to keep my thighs from clenching at his words. This really shouldn't be that hot. Yet it absolutely is. I'm blaming the werewolf romances I read, instead of admitting its simply because its coming from Draco's delectable mouth.

"It may surprise you son, but I've no issue with you claiming Miss. Granger as your mate. To be frank, there is no witch that can even compare to her intellectually. Lets not even get into how much it helps the Malfoy image overall in the Wizarding community. She's good for business, not that we're struggling even after paying damages and such."

I must look a bit like a doe caught in headlights, maybe even catching flies with how agape my mouth is. There are many scenarios I played through my brain, and this was not one of them.

"I'm sorry. I- I'm not following?" I croak.

Lucius seems to be bracing himself, internally working up to whatever this little meeting is about.

"Draco, did you know that my family all but disowned me when I wed your mother?"

Draco's head snaps backward, his handsome face shocked.

Chuckling lightly Lucius goes on, "Yes.. I know surprising. Your mother has told you the history of the curse, and the corresponding dragon lore. There for you could deduce that not many family's were all that keen on marrying in people of the Black line. Most need not have worried, they tend to lose their minds, or face early untimely deaths. But nearly the moment I saw her I knew she was the woman for me.

I knew nothing of the curse, and had been raised to court a pure blood woman, which is what I thought I was doing. When I introduced her to my father, he ripped her psyche to shreds, she flooed home in tears. When we both arrived back at Hogwarts I was lucky for her to even glance my direction, let alone speak two words to me. She was devastated.

The other families were brutal, merciless in how they drug her name and cursed blood through the mud. It took a punch to the face and a years worth of proving my love to get her back. I proposed once a month during that year, and when she finally said yes, we made the vows immediately.

There are many, many things I regret in my life son. Ignoring your mothers blood status was never one of them."

Of all the things I ever thought Lucius Malfoy would say. Never in my absolute wildest dreams did I think it'd be this.

"That's all I wanted to tell you. Both of you. And issue a bit of a warning. The press and other families will still say and possibly do awful things over this relationship. It takes a certain type of woman to overcome these obstacles. Obstacles I have no doubt you can conquer quite easily Miss. Granger. When the whole world feels against you, you both must remember to turn to each other. Trust, love, and communication. Those are the pillars you must build this union upon," Lucius says, his eyes shining a bit silver with unshed tears. "And in case it's not abundantly clear," he pauses, making sure Draco is looking right into his eyes, "You both have my blessing."

Speechless. Confused. Overwhelmed. Slightly joyful.

All adjectives that would highly apply to me right now. And stunned. Yes, that as well.

"I-I," at my stuttering, I stop not wanting to show my hand in case this turns out to be some sort of sick joke.

"Mr. Malfoy, I can't speak for Draco but your words mean so much to me. Knowing that if and when we marry and have children we can count on you is a huge relief. One I honestly never saw coming but one I treasure all the same," Hermione says, trying to hold her tears at bay.

Lifting our joined hands, I kiss her knuckles hoping to convey how utterly thankful I am for finding the words I could not.

"You may call me Lucius, please. Unless it makes you uncomfortable of course. Draco I've already let Wisnipe at Gringotts know you'll be raiding the family heirlooms for a ring. Now, I promised Narcissa I would dine with her on the balcony so she can gaze upon those horrid peacocks she adores for some absurd reason."

Standing he leans on his cane before dusting his expensive black cloak clean of non-existent dander. After hesitating only a second, he leans down and gives me a peck to the top of my head, nodding politely to Hermione as he leaves.

"Wow," Hermione breathes, swiping at her cheeks as a few tears fall.

"Those had better be happy tears Granger, or I'll break his nose before we leave for home," I growl.

Laughing lightly, she shakes her head before saying, "Yes. Yes you insufferable, handsome, devil of a man. These are most certainly happy tears."

"Let's go home yeah love?"

"Nothing would make me happier my dragon."

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