Chapter 32: Sister, Sister

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If I'd been under any delusion that Draco would take this pregnancy in stride, and not go all extra protective on me, these past few days would have shattered such silly thoughts.

Because here I am. With about six blankets, 3 warming charms and a cup of hot chocolate watching Draco practice with the National team. In the wilderness. And don't get me wrong, I love camping, even after the chaos of going on the run during the war.. but I kind of needed to see what else was in those diaries.

I just know there is a missing link that I'm choosing to blame on pregnancy brain, that I can't connect. Ugh.

Obviously sensing my subtle change in mood, Draco starts to zoom my direction. Giving him a death glare of the highest degree, he wisely keeps flying, away from me this time. Honestly it's a miracle that he's not constantly in his draken form. I caught him making breakfast with his wings out yesterday morning! We're going to have to replace his favorite chair just from his claws.

With a sigh, I blissfully also remember how for the past two nights since we found out, he's also carried me to bed nuzzling into my neck lovingly the entire way. Or how he always lays me down, uncovers my stomach and tells our baby goodnight.. and good morning as well. How he kisses my still flat-ish belly and tells the baby how much he loves her with his whole being(he says it's a girl, to break the faux Malfoy male heir curse).

Rationally we know there's no way to actually know yet, but gender won't matter to us. This baby is so loved already. And supposedly has a wee baby dragon soul welded into it too. Which is terrifying and wonderful. All at once.

We're planning on telling all our parents together as soon as this mess is over with. With a bit of liquid luck, actual luck, polyjuice potion, and we very well might be telling them by next week.

I'd love to go to a healer, or even a muggle doctor to see how far along I am but we don't want anyone to catch on and leak the news in anyway.

No matter, nothing to be done at the moment, thankfully. We still need about two weeks before the polyjuice potion is ready to be used, since Draco and I obviously agreed not to use me literally as bait. Pansy volunteered, though I wonder how she'll manage to not look down her nose at people when wearing my appearance. Because wheather she feels like she's above others or not, she most definitely carries herself as such.

For now I watch my handsome husband show off on his broom, regrettably with his shirt on. Though we can remedy that as soon as we get home.

November 30th 1985

It's been around 4 years since the fall of the Dark Lord.

And I'm happy. As happy as a mother that gave up a child for a better chance at life can be.

Apart of me feels as though now that he's dead, that perhaps I could try again with her. Gemma Adriane, in Latin means 'dark one' MacDonald.

Perhaps this time around I could do things better, do things right. Give her the love and attention she deserves from the woman who gave birth to her. To explain I was trying to give her a better life away from all this, and keep her parentage secret. For her own safety. Especially after he tried to kill a baby. There is no redemption for anyone that could harm a child.

It helps reassure me I made the right decision moving her to America. I'll be contacting the adoption agency in the morning. Its worth a try. The worst that can happen is she can say no. To which I'll have to handle with grace, after my ultimate decision to have her adopted.

Ava is thriving. Well loved, well adjusted. So smart. How I wish Gem was James' daughter so we could have all been one big happy family. But when it comes down to it, this was a domino effect caused simply from the Dark Lord's selfish actions.

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