Chapter 7: Dragons, Dads & Pig Back Rides

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Dragon Draco's chest lights up with a blue like flame within his chest, sending the temperature up, and wishing I'd worn less clothing. Growling with such menace, I step further back as Draco tucks me behind his wing protectively.

Lucius' face shows no hint of irritation as he speaks, "Tsk, tsk. No need for that son. I do not fancy being dragon food. You can understand me correct?"

When neither of us answer him, his face contorts into an ugly scowl. Some of his hair slips from his hair tie as he shakes his head in irritation.

Should I tell him you can understand him? I send mentally to Draco, unsure what else to do. But knowing that stepping away from him would be a bad idea for Lucius.

Let us get under his skin with silence first.

Nodding my understanding, I continue running my palms over his hardened silver scales. They almost seem holographic when the sun hits them. Its truly mesmerizing.

"Yes well when you're done fondling Draco dear, I require a word. With you both."

Draco growls, the blue fire in his chest flaring before quickly going out. The way it makes the scales on his chest shine outward and bathe the world around us, is almost as if looking through a pearlescent kaleidoscope. I'm so completely captivated a gleeful gasp slips pass, causing Draco's wing to pin me closer to his side as he scopes out our surroundings.

It's fine. I'm fine, I was just in awe of your scales as your fire lit them from within. It was bit how I'd imagine inside a rainbow would look..

She finds us awe-ing, the dragon gravels.

Merlin, Granger you'll have us prancing around from your praise.

Giggling, I extract myself slightly from his side, to see if Lucius is still standing there with his damned cane. Spoil alert, he is.

"He can understand you in this form, but he's also more protective as well," I tell him, sweeping up the bits of hair that had escaped from my bun and readjusting it.

"Ah, he must be trying to make me uncomfortable with the silent broody Malfoy bit," with a sigh and a disappointed look at Draco he continues, "You forget I taught you that son."

We could kill him. I wouldn't even eat him since he is our blood.

How magnanimous of you, Draco deadpans back at the dragon.

"Ok you two focus. He's obviously here for a reason," I hiss in a bit of a frantic whisper.

"How intriguing, two conscious in one mind. But yes, I am here to talk. Preferably in human form if you'd like to get a flight in and come to my study after?" Lucius asks, and a flicker of worry flashes over his face before his signature cool mask of indifference schools his features once more.

"That will be fine Mr. Malfoy, thank you."

As Lucius limps away, I can't help but internally panic at whatever he wants to talk about. It's not until Draco rustles his wings a bit that I realize Lucius is no longer within sight. That I was staring off at nothing but the echo of my own worry.

Care for a pig back ride little mate?

Laughing so hard I snort, it takes a minute before I realize they think I want to ride them. To ride a dragon... again. In the sky. In the air, very high. Oh no.

I can feel Hermione full on pushing a panic attack as deep down as she can. I knew she wasn't a fan of flying, only having let me take her up a few feet at a time when I would practice, but this level of fear I was not prepared for.

THE DRAGON OF HOUSE BLACKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora