Chapter 4: Chatty Fucking Slytherins

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Do the bite. Tell her of her she's our mate after we fuck our heir into her.

Cause that would go over splendidly. Great idea. Its no wonder we were always a few marks behind Granger at every turn at Hogwarts. It's because you're a bleeding idiot!

Speaking this now will only slow us down. It will not change the outcome. She is ours. Now keep speaking to her with that so called dirty talk. Our mate likes this greatly, her arousal increases when you do.

Like I needed the dragon to tell me that, I could smell it too. It's driving me absolutely insane to pause this, when I've wanted nothing more than to shut up her doubts and questions with my dick buried so far in her cunt that her brain would quite literally short circuit. But its her right to know what she's getting herself into isn't it?

"Draco, you're freaking me out a bit. What is it? Can you not have children or something? We don't need to worry about such things yet, we can cross that bridge when we get there-"

See she craves our seed.

Yeah because that's exactly what she said you git.

Huffing he says, it is exactly what I heard.

"Have you noticed perhaps my eyes.. erm glowing?" I ask tentatively, imploring her as much as possible with my eyes to trust me and not run screaming from my arms.

"Yes, and while I find it odd, it's not enough to change anything for me."

Because it's rather fetching looking I'm sure.

God's the dragon is. Not. Helping.

"It's actually real quite lovely," Hermione whispers.

I can feel my dragon preening with the praise, and I want to roll my eyes and punch myself in the face all at the same time. Like we needed the ego boost.

"Well first off thank you, but no there's-" I don't get to finish because at that exact moment Hermione mutters something like "chatty fucking slytherin," and slams her mouth on mine with renewed vigor.

So incredibly lost in this kiss, with her glorious tongue, especially when she lulls mine out and sucks on it, that I don't notice when she lines my aching fucking cock under her pussy.

But fuck I sure notice when she slams herself down upon it.


For the first time in my life I see true actual stars as I feel Hermione's incredibly tight walls vice grip my dick.

Hermione's breath hitches, then she seemingly holds her breath for a bit almost as if in pain. I know I'm very large but surely I can't be harming her this badly.

"Oh fuck Hermione, your pussy is already gripping my dick so hard. Its trying to milk my cum from me already. Please tell me I'm not hurting you love."

Blowing out a long breath, she takes a moment before lifting her head and speaking. And I should have known.

"Just give me a moment to get used to the intrusion."

She's a virgin.

I believe you are the idiot if you thought differently. She's our mate. She would have felt compelled after we bond started to wait for us.

The sheer amount of utter and complete joy that overcomes me is incomprehensible to even try and put into words. But that feeling quickly rolls into the basic animalistic instinct, the possessiveness of my dragon over taking my senses to the point I've not doubt my eyes are glowing silver.

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