Chapter 33: Fibs and Squibs

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I fly for hours, rotating between my draken, and full dragon form.

Nothing. Not a whisper of her on my end of our connection.

I'm nearly positive that muggles know of dragons now. With all the roaring and fire I've been spouting in frustration.

In fact, I very nearly accidentally set an owl on fire while breathing my rage at the skies. It's not until I notice the message on it's leg that I pull back barely just managing in not burning the poor thing to death.

In the span of a simple blink, I'm still in the air, but as draken. With warranted hesitation, the owl flies over landing on my forearm and sticking it's leg out for the scroll. I nearly loose the message because the bird decides to haul arse at the first hint of freedom.

Come home.

We've got a lead.


Alright. Home sweet home it is. I'd travel to hell and back for even the smallest inkling of where she is at this point.

A note.

My wife had the decency to leave me a note. One I so stupidly missed before hitting the skies in a panic earlier. Heading over to Potter by the fireplace, said note folded between his middle and pointer fingers. Thankfully he does me the courtesy of not looking smug. It would be understandable considering he could probably recite his monologue of reasons I should think first act later by heart.

be back soon, crystal=Gemma=Ava's sister/Voldy's actual heir. Worried for her safety, she sent owl that she found another journal. Heading there.

Well. That's rather concise, I'll give her that. But boy did it pack a punch with those two sentences. Honorable mention for the abbreviated name of the Dark Lord. Nicely done.

"I'm assuming you have a plan?" I question, my jaw ticking with impatience.

"Well, it's rather similar to the previous. With a few impromptu embellishments to really ensure we lure the crazy bint out."

"Whatever it is, I'll do it. I need her back immediately," I say rolling my neck in an attempt to dispel even a hint of the massive amount of tension circulation through my body.

"First call a press conference. Pansy can whip it up."

Without any hesitation I nearly sprint to our owl. Scribbling down a barely legible message to Pansy communicating the desperate need of a press conference.


"...join us to.. witness the combining of two soul... mates."

It's as if my brain is choosing to replay the most traumatizing bits of the Radio conference over and over again. As if I wasn't already struggling being trapped here with the enemy, while with child.

Rationally I know what he's saying is utter crap. Pregnancy hormones seem to complicate my ability to reason. Case in point, the stupid tears that are inconveniently leaking down my cheeks.

"Awww. If I had a heart I might actually feel sorry for you," Crystal says snidely. Seated in her chair, she's spinning wildly as she cackles like she just told the funniest joke.

Cutting my eyes over to Ava, I can tell she's wholly vexed and completely over her sister's juvenile behavior. Not for the first time does it occur to me I've no idea what she could possibly gain from this. Its not as if she's the heir.. or even as if either of them are pure bloods.

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