'Note to self, stay on his good side.'

Xie Lian merely chuckles softly before allowing his eyes to drift to Lan Xichen who was making his way toward them.

"Lan Xichen..."

"Please just call me Xichen. Seeing as we are getting to be acquainted more so outside of the office it's perfectly fine. How are you holding up since our last session? Especially with the next one coming up?"

Xie Lian let's out a sigh, "It's been a bit of a time. A couple of things occurred since our session and more than likely I will tell you about them next time."

Lan Xichen could only shake his head, "I have a feeling that your stories and experiences will be like a book playing before me."

"It does feel that way doesn't it?"

The two of them laugh off the notion as something that, at this point, they will just have to accept.

"Well either way, it is my job to help you through this entire ordeal, so your secrets and stories are forever safe with me."

"Of course, that's also your job to keep them. However, if I do choose to perhaps turn all my experiences into a book, I would love to have your own pieces of commentary from within those same pages."

Lan Xichen is surprised by his words but decides to take him up on his offer.

"You mentioned your younger brother before—"

"Ah, yes Wangji...."

"Is something wrong?"

"Well he's been moved to being tutored at home due to the Tensions of the school, but also because of you and your partner...."


"It's nothing that you've done wrong, so do not assume that you've done anything. But it's more of like...seeing you with your partner, along with the buzz of people talking—it's bringing some unwanted memories to the surface..."

"Does he have a partner?"

Xichen sadly smiles.

"No...though there is only one person he ever loved. And unfortunately, he's incarcerated at the moment....for a crime he never committed."


"Perhaps, you'll know the details one day, but for now I won't mention more about the subject. It's far too personal. But in our family, us men of our clan we tend to love fairly strongly. We are very loyal, but we can only truly be in love with one single person. Sometimes that could be considered a blessing as we never betray our partners, but it can be a curse when the one you swore your heart to is not even by your side for a while."

Xie Lian feels the pit of his stomach shiver with worry. He could never imagine losing San Lang to anything. It would destroy him.

For a while, conversations were being carried out everywhere along the floor between him and the members of the group that were meant to act as his witnesses and shields. Through each conversation he would learn more about the negotiations everyone had made to end up in their current positions. Should others hear of their deals, it would seem far too horrendous. But to him, he knew better.

Every single person that he had spoken to—they each had a story to tell. Stories that would make others feel pity. But pity wasn't something they all wanted. They only wanted someone to understand, and surprisingly they found that in someome like Hua Cheng. Xie Lian didn't find it all that surprising, and yet every person involved did find it surprising.

'He seems to be this monster because of his reputation but based upon his actions so far, San Lang must understand them and their stories more so than they realize. He's never been a monster. He's been a savior.'

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