Epilogue 2.

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Third person's pov:
The ringing sound of the doorbell makes y/n take a run for her life towards the front door,concerning jungkook big times. "Slow down y/n,you're gonna fall!"he also simultaneously chuckles at the adorable excitement of his wife at the tiny guest coming to their house today.

Y/n just cringes in excitement and extreme happiness,as the door opens and reveals the Kim Mingyu Family. "You're WAY too excited y/n"chuckling,she just forwards and grabs the little babygirl from his hands. "She didn't even sleep last night,she has prepared everything,literally everything for the tiny guest"

Chaewon chuckles,seeing her pay no attention to the words of her husband but just the squishy human in her arms. She plays with her with such happiness that a very overwhelmingly massive thought takes place inside her head,which she remimds herself to share with her husband later.

"Okay then,we'll take our leave since hansol will be waiting for us at his school"jungkook nods,closing the door and turning around to a very very giddy y/n,smiling widely. Gosh she's over the moon,how pretty does she looks. I just want to kiss the life out of her right now.

Hansol had a kids event in his school and so his parents were invited but yumi didn't like events since she was still very small so altogether they had decided to let the Jeon family babysit yumi for a day and y/n was over the moon the second she had heard that yumi will be with her for a whole day.

"Okay princess,what should we do with you now?"she cooes at her,as yumi giggles flapping her little arms into the air at happiness prominent in y/n's voice. Jungkook just watches both of the females enjoying themselves,feeling at immense tranquility.

"You've bought so many toys,why don't play with them?"he suggests,making her run towards the playing room,causing jungkook to let out a loud adored laugh. He makes his way to the kitchen,knowing that his wife hadn't have any proper breakfast earlier and he was worried since then,so he was going to make a light snack for her.

"Principessa! Would you want me to make yumi her milk?"he asks,seeing the milk powder setted beside the counter. "Yes please! Love you!"he smiles,grabbing the powder and shaking his head in adoration. These 2 words were his whole world. "Love you too principessa"he starts on prepping the meal for her while y/n takes her time to play with yumi,making her smile and giggle in happiness.

Whenever she laughed,y/n's insides felt lighter. She loved her laugh,the way she flaps her baby chubby arms in excitement whenever y/n makes a funny face or when y/n playfully tickles her chubby plump stomach,she loved it when the baby was at peace.

Jungkook enters the room with y/n's food and yumi's milk. He sits down onto the floor beside them,placing the food at some distance being careful since it was pretty hot and hands over the milk to yumi. She gently grabs yumi,placing her in her arms,crossing her legs and grabbing the bottle.

Jungkook looks at her every move with the softest eyes,he just knew that she was the best mother ever to exist. Her every touch was gentle towards the little human in her arms,so careful with her. She was so considerate yet in flow,she knew how to place her head in her arms,not too low not too high,wherever yumi was comfy and he just loved that.

He grabs the food when he sees yumi being fed well without any ruckus and takes a spoonful of the risotto he had made for her,the one she liked from mimgyu's restaurant,placing it in front of her mouth,one hand below her chin so that no food spills on yumi or her.

He makes sure that y/n was being fed well too,what mattered to him the most. After both the ladies were fed,y/n again starts to play woth the baby while jungkook just watches them both,having the time of their lives,recording them and laughing whenever yumi giggled with all her gums.

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