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Y/n's pov:
I sit in my room after a tiring day and let out a huge sigh,just staring at the crimson painted wall in front of me. I plop two paracetamols into my mouth hanging my head down so that that pain would lessen a bit. But the damn voice of the guitar that was ringing like the horrific sound of a broken violin in my ears right now was making it only worse and worse.

"Mingyu...i don't want to murder you...please for godsake"i whisper,clutching my eyes so tightly that my head starts to feel dizzy. The voice only increases and i had enough of it right now. I get out of my room and slam the door open of mingyu's room,startling him.

"Y/n-" "if i heard a single more sound of this fucking guitar i swear to god i'm going to slam it right onto your head. You understand?! Stop playing it"my voice coming out in a scream and i instantly regret it as my eyes dilate,relieving the anger out of them.

Mingyu just gets up from his bed and stares at me,worried. I open my mouth to apologise but before i could do so,he throws the guitar out of the window,stunning me. "Anything else?"his gaze never moves away from my as i stare between him and the window flabbergasted.

"What-"my voice filled with mad shock. We both just keep staring at each other for a few seconds before a loud irrated voice of an old man gets welcomed in our ears,making us whip our heads towards the window. "Who the fuck throws a darn guitar out of their window all of a sudden!"

We just race out of the house to apologise to the person on whom's head the guitar had dropped onto. He was a mid aged men and was pretty raged at us. Coming back into the room,just one glance into each other's eyes and we crack out into a loud idiotic laugh.

Our laughing ringing in the whole house,making it look a little alive after ages. "That was so impulsive that i was speechless for a few moments"we keep laughing like idiots but all of a sudden mingyu places a hand on my waist coming forward. "Oh what-"

"You have a habit of falling back while laughing alot,so i was being careful"and my laugh fades a little when my rotten mind makes me remember that this was what jungkook used to do everytime i laughed alot and someone else's touch on my waist...didn't feel right. We eventually settle down and throw ourselves onto the bed after a genuine incredible laugh. "You better now?"mingyu speaks up making me look at him.

"Yeah i guess"a smile gets blessed onto his face and we both just look at each other again. But this time,it became serious. His smile drops down a bit and i curl my legs upto my chest,hiding my face behind my knees as his eyes turn light at me. My tongue cringing to ask something about him that was eating me from inside.

"You want to ask me about him,don't you? He's all what's on your mind"i hate it how he reads my mind like it's an open book. I hate how honest he is. My silence endows him with a visible answer that he was already expecting. "He's not here anymore"

My heart getting penetrated. So brutally that each word of his bursts through me. "What do you mean?"my voice,coming out as a breathy whisper not having the strength to ask a question whose answer will tear me apart even more. He sucks a huge breath and closes his eyes for some seconds,increasing the suspense that was arising in my soul.

"He's in prison y/n"

Third person's pov:
"You! Prisoner 170! Get up,you've a visitor"jungkook jerks his eyes open at the shrill sound of the guard hitting onto the steel balls of the open slate on his cell. Is it mingyu? He gets up,walking towards the guard as he opens his cell's door and puts handcuffs around his wrists,taking him towards the visiting room.

Jungkook just lifelessly walks behind the guard,thinking about her. I wonder if she's doing okay? I hope she doesn't cries anymore. I would ask mingyu about her. The keys jiggle as the guard opens the huge metal door and gets on a side to let jungkook inside.

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