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Y/n's pov:
Somedays later:
The doorbell rings,indicating me that my guest had just arrived. I pause my cooking midway and take a walk towards the door,opening it with a grand smile. "Hey there,you're early"the person in front of me,dressed pretty fancily chuckles,lifting his eyes up at me.

"I'm sorry but i just couldn't hold back the excitement to meet you tonight"smiling,i move on a side to let him enter. The moment he enters,i lock the door,smirking menacingly. Won't be going out of this door alive,again.

"I can already tell that the food is going to be so delicious just by the smell of it,it smells amazing"i let out a shy laugh and make my way towards the kitchen,telling him to take a seat on the dining table. "I hope you like the food,i really put an effort into it,though i'm not a very good cook"the pan sizzles when i place the meat onto it.

"The food is going to be amazing,i just know it"smirking i chop the liver into pieces,marinating it and putting it into the oven. After sometime,the dishes get ready and so i serve them onto the dining table one by one.

"You're one generous person i must say"he says looking at all the food and i just let out a laugh,serving him my own homemade red wine. "Eat to your fill Mr Jaejun"he starts eating but stops for some reason,making me cock up an eyebrow in suspicion.

"There's no vegan dish here"letting out a dark chuckle at his remark,i take a seat opposite to him. "Mr Jaejun,i don't cook vegetarian since i feel like meat is my speciality"he looks at me for a few seconds blankly before nodding and going back to eating,making me let out an internal satisfied laugh.

"When you told me that you like to cook i was just ecstatic to try your cooking"he takes a bite of the steak and moans with his eyes closed. He never fails to disgust me. "This is so decadent oh my god!"i couldn't help but laugh,thanking him with all the politeness i could gather. You don't know what's coming for you jaejun.

"I'm just really happy that you're liking my food" "liking? I'm loving it"he looks over at my plate and knits his eyebrow in confusion. "Why aren't you eating?"i smile. "I had already eaten before you Mr Jaejun,you know how people usually get full while cooking,that's what it's like"

He nods and goes back to taking bites. "Please take some more,i've also prepared gopchang (intestines) for you since you told me they're your favourite and also tartare (raw meat),i've put my special effort and love in making them"my lips crook up a smile.

I serve him more food on his plate and sit back on my seat,legs and arm crossed,watching him eat his own friend. "I hope your company's progressing good"he nods,taking a big bite of the tartare and shaking his head in approval. "This is just so delicious"

Eat my dear eat. Eat your friend. He sips on his wine and knits his eyebrow together. "This is so unique"i tilt my head. "In a good way or bad way?" "In a good way of course,it's so rich in flavour and the taste of bitter alcohol is really strong"

I start laughing at his review,making him get confused. "Oh don't mind me,i'm just really happy that you're liking everything i made"my eyes travel to the clock and i see that it's 7:40 pm already. Jungkook will be worrying.

"Oh by the way,what meat did you use? Beef or goat? This is really really tender"i click my tongue paired with a huge evil smirk appearing on my face. Bingo. I turn my head towards him,narrowing my eyes a bit. "Remember your friend sejun with whom you used to bully my husband? Yeah that's it. Taste's good right? I hope it does,since i was sceptical of the seasoning on the meat"

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