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Jungkook's pov:
She stares at me like she has a love hate relationship with the feeling when she looks at me. Like she's attracted towards me but hates this feeling as much as she loves it. That she thinks i'm worthy of her love,that i can love her and that she can love me. She loves this feeling,as much as she hates it. But when i look into her eyes,i kind of want to fall in love with her even if i'm sure i'll end up regretting it.

"Come,let's discuss the plan"she says as she walks by me and i inhale her rosy scent,closing my eyes. Even her smell is like her. So fierce. I follow her to the living room where we both sit down and i take out my laptop from my office bag.

"Group of 3. Head of the group is Kim Sejun,a very renowed chef of korea,owning a very successful restaurant chain in seoul. Second is hwang jaejun,head of jaejun paper enterprises. His company solds more than million tons paper in the whole country. Third and the last is Choi Yeonjun,one if the most successful painter globally,he will be holding exhibitions of his paintings very soon"

When i finish,i glance at her and she was already staring at me. "Any questions?"she blinks her eyes,tilting her head. "What did your bullies do to you?"i didn't know what to tell her. Didn't know what to say or what to explain.

Without any word,i pull up my shirt to reveal my stomach which was covered in scars from stitches that go down to my pelvis. She calmly stares at my scars and looks at me. "Do they stop till the pelvis?"shaking my head,i don't dare to look at her. "This is just one thing,they've ruined me and my sister in ways you could never imagine"

Her eyes flicker at the word sister. "Don't stop" "she's paralyzed for the rest of her life y/n and it's all because of them,because of what horror they did to her"my eyes hold back the tears that were dying to spill out from my eyes. Even the thought of that incident makes me want to scream my lungs out. My whole body lits up on fire whenever those memories are reminded to me.

"Don't you dare cry jungkook"i lift up my head to look at y/n who was now standing up,looking right down at me with such fierceful eyes. "Because it's their turn to fucking cry now"and she makes her way to her room. I sit there staring at her room's door and she comes out minutes later.

She had changed her clothes into something casual. She ties her hair and looks at me,putting her hands on her waist. "Get up,we're going on a walk"my eyebrows knit together and she raises hers. "What? Come on,go change"and i get up in confusion,going to my room to change. I wonder what's going on inside her head.

We both walk side by side in the park. We watch families having picnics and kids playing around. It was a relaxing sight to watch. I glance at y/n who was enjoying her icecream,while smiling at the kids. "You love kids?"she looks at me,and a warm smile appears on her lips.

"Yeah,i love them"there was definitely some kind of sadness hidden behind that smile,which bothered me somehow. She looks at one of the family having a picnic under the tree. We both sit on the bench in front of them,at a distance. I take a bite of my icecream as we both just sit in silence,looking around.

Weren't we supposed to discuss the plan? How're we here eating icecreams? I secretly glance at her and my heart skips some beats for sure by the expression she wore on her face. She stares at the family of 3 people,a mother,father and a little daughter.

She stares at them with such sadness filled in her eyes but a subtle smile on her lips. I just stare at her,how broken she looked all of a sudden. "Such a pretty little family right?"she whispers and i look at them again.

How the little girl was in her father's lap and her mother was feeding her sandwiches,they were so happy and so in love. "Yeah,very pretty"something clicks inside me when i speak up "did you ever had a family?"her smile grows a little wider and eyes get a bit more teary.

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