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Y/n's pov:
"Jungkook! I'm hom-"words stop when i see a panicked jungkook on the couch,in the living room while the cat we had tries to approach him. Mingyu stands behind me judging everything while we all just look at each other. Like dumb idiots.

"What's happening here?"and the cat meows. I move forward,putting the bags down and taking the cat in my arms,looking at jungkook. "Did you watch Kang Fu panda or something?"he steps down from the couch and sighs heavily with a little amount of relief. "This damn cat scratched the hell outta me"he says and looks at her with the most annoyed expression making me smile.

"That's not very ethical of you,right red?"she just meows at me while i chuckle at her. She's so adorable. "Don't scratch him again okay? You're a good girl"i look back at jungkook who had his finger pointed at me. I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why are you pointing towards me?"his eyebrow twitches in anger. "What the hell,is this guy doing here?"and i sigh,putting red down onto the floor and looking back at mingyu who was hiding behind me. "If i got killed today i'm putting it on you y/n"i look back at jungkook who was shoo-ing the red away.

"Go away,i don't like cats"he tries to have a conversation with her and i look back at mingyu,pointing towards jungkook. "You're seriously scared of this guy? Who's freakin scared of cats? Chill gyu"i take my leave,tying my hair to prepare dinner and enter the kitchen.

"Ah,i should give red her food first"i make my way back to the living room and it was another circus there. Mingyu had red in his hands,trying to scare jungkook by putting her in front of him,while jungkook was fighting for his life by standing on the couch again. "Yah yah yah! I'll butcher you!"

I just watch everything quietly in the doorframe before taking off my slipper and aiming it at mingyu's head,perfectly towards the center. I throw it with full floor and it hits his back of the head and red runs away from his hands,running out of the living room due to the loud noise.

"That fucking hurted"i smirk and walk towards him putting my slipper back on. "Be thankful it was just a slipper and i didn't come with an actual knife in my hand"he winces in pain and looks up at me while rubbing his head. I look at jungkook and give him my hand,smiling. "Come down big boy,i'm gonna make dinner for you"

I seriously felt bad because i know he was scared of cats but he agreed just because of me. He takes my hand and comes down taking in a long breath. "Please kill this guy principessa"the nickname. I missed it. "I've planned it big boy,you just have to wait"we both just stare at each other before i smile and turn around to mingyu.

"Don't you dare try anything with him again okay? Or i'll have that cat scratch you to death"he takes my threat seriously and sits on the couch,hand on the back of his head. I was grabbing the bags and making my way to the kitchen when jungkook followed me. "You didn't have to help me you know? You should rest"

I take out the vegetables and salmon from the bags and grab the apron,putting it on and tying the strings at my back while jungkook just stares at me. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. "You're staring jungkook"i say getting the cutterboard but not getting a reply from him.

"You're wife material y/n"i look at him in surprise and laugh out loud. "Seriously? That's surprising"but suddenly,for some odd reason all those traumatic memories start roaming across the back of my mind.

It started to feel a little suffocating when memories of myself cooking for my ex-husband came into my mind. How he banged the back of my head in the wall when i dropped a glass on the floor or made any other mistake.

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