Chapter Three: Coming Home

Start from the beginning

She dove into the story of their conversation, as truthfully as she could. She knew this was her only shot to keep her companion from lashing out at her. Only stopping to order, she finished with how things were left. As the words tumbled from her lips she felt as unsure as the moment Jennie left her.

"You're working for an agricultural company now?" It was a rhetorical question, she knew they already knew the answer. Nodding her head she waited patiently as the other person studied her face. "Do you want to move closer to Jisu or only come for visits?"

Her heart sunk at the thought of Jennie's final words. She knew they were tame in comparison to what she deserved. "I would love to move closer but that's entirely dependent upon Jennie." The truth slipped by without her giving it a second thought. She wouldn't miss any more time with her son as long as she was allowed to be in his life.

"Great. You start in two weeks." Her forehead scrunched in confusion as she stared at her breakfast mate. "What about Jennie and everyone else? I'm not so sure that anyone wants me back. I only really care if Jennie wants me around or not." Jisoo's nerves began to show as she spoke.

A laugh rang from across the table and she felt her body loosen in relief. " Jennie would not have come here if she had a problem with you possibly moving back." The smile given to her gave her nerves a reprieve and the coil in her stomach finally released. "It's time to come home, Chu. Even if we didn't want you there, didn't want you around Jisu, didn't want you around Jennie.." the pause made her snap her head up "She would never allow any of us or herself to keep you away."

For the first time in a long time, she felt relief as the food was placed in front of her. No words were needed as the two ate in silence. "Where would I live if I took you up on your offer?" The offer was generous and she couldn't deny she wanted to take it.

"Temporarily, with Chaeyoung." Shock coursed through her veins. How would she face her sister? Her sister would surely murder her the moment she saw her. Did Chaeyoung know about this plan? What would she say? How would she reconnect with the older girl who always protected her? The person she abandoned, just as their parents had abandoned them...

"It was her idea when everyone discussed possibilities." Family gatherings. She missed that most. When everyone would get together to discuss anything, everything, and nothing at the same time. Despite her wanting to visit Jennie secretly, it seemed that everybody else had other ideas. "She wants you to come home, too."

"Mister Kim..." her words were cut off by a loud laugh.

"When have you ever called me Mister Kim?" He was right. Not even when they first met had she called him anything other than Uncle. She allowed herself a small smile at the thought. "It's a good opportunity, Jisoo. It would be a move up instead of down or lateral." As he went over the details of the job, she listened intently.

She didn't need to be convinced but it was nice to focus on something else at the moment. Something other than the way her life had been turned upside down. Seunghyun always knew when she needed a shift in focus so he continued to talk until he sensed she was ready. He looked at her with a smile across his face.

"I don't deserve it do I?" The fear slipped into her voice before she could pull it back.

He mulled her question over for a minute before he responded. "As the father of the girl whose heart you shattered, no." Her heart dropped at his words. "As an employer, I've seen your record and your performance. Your awards are how we finally found a place to keep searching for you." It finally came together, how they had found her. She didn't think that her recent awards were national but apparently, she was wrong. "As the man who has watched you grow up and thinks of you as a second daughter, you deserve nothing less. It's time to come home my 'prodigal daughter.'"

Coming Back To You | JENSOO [18+]Where stories live. Discover now