18 - ○Plum lines○

Start from the beginning

With consent on either side, sex being the most purest form in this world!
Reciting their names during the act being the most mellifluous words one has ever heard.

She gasped, he moaned
She cried, he groaned
They smiled.

Her eyes slowly opened to see him lying on her, their bodies stuck together. His erratic breaths against her chest, drops of sweat on their skin, their hands holding each other closely.

"Listen" Arjun whispered near Meera's ears, who hummed in response.

"I'm going to Sydney for an important meeting and contract approval"

"I'll return only by the 10th of next month", he continued.

Meera scrunched her eyebrows at his sentence and questioned,"You'll return only after 20 days?"

"Unfortunately yeah" he smiled, "But once I return, I'm gonna introduce you to my mom"

"That's fine but what would I do without you during those twenty days?",she pouted.

"I guess I've given enough until I meet you the next time or if you want, I'm willing to give more", his teasing phrase made her to smile out of sheer shyness.

"I'll be waiting for you", they smiled looking at each other.

It was indeed a memorable day for both of them. The day where they lost themselves to each other.


After eighteen days:

Sydney, one of the busiest cities of Australia with magnificent harbors and sparkling beaches. A vibrant place which shines with the dreams of millions.

Arjun, who was busy explaining his contract with the foreign delegates, notices the time in his watch. It was half past eight in the evening and it would be around 4 pm in India.

"With this I conclude my presentation" he quickly finished his work, looked at Fawad and Kathir sat across the room.

Rest of the meeting was all about their partnership and it was handled by the other two. Arjun, on the other hand, can't help but zone out from his surroundings. His thoughts predominantly revolved around Meera and how much he missed her.

Since he left India, she used to call him on a daily basis and they both would share their day-to-day incidents. Upon thinking about those moments, he can't believe that the he has finally got the life and love he yearned for many years.

His Meera. His family. His love.

But surprisingly, she hasn't made a call during the last ten days, not even a message. These facts worried him but he chose to maintain his feelings since he doesn't want others to know about it.

Once the meeting was over, when Arjun was about to call Meera, he received a message notification from her.

"I knew you'd message me darling", his face was decorated with a smile when he was about to open up the notification.

"It's over Arjun. Don't try to contact me",

the message read. The whole world came crashing down under his feet. For a moment, he was unable to believe his own eyes. His heartbeat increased with a gush of adrenaline pumping into his veins, sweat beads across his face while his fingers trembled.

He called her.

"Pick up, pick up Meera", he repeated the same sentence out of stress.

"Pick up the God damn phone Meera", he shouted with pure anger radiating from his face.

Few drops of tears made its way down his cheek but those emotions were dominated by his rage.

"Pick up the fucking phone Meera"

Twenty six times. It was solid twenty six times that he tried to reach her through phone call.

"The number you are calling is switched off or not reachable at the moment. Please try again later" the invoice announced.

"Fuck", the phone shattered on hitting the ground, block parts broken into tiny pieces just like his heart at that moment.

Not knowing the reason for her sudden message, Arjun was on the edge of insanity. When all the things were about to fall in its perfect places, Meera's actions made Arjun to contemplate his decisions.

Made him to ponder the reason on why did she do that.

"Why Meera, why did you do that. Why, why", being alone in that room, he was blabbering and can't accept the fact that she broke up with him and his mind searches ways to know the reason behind.

Whatever reason it can be, he was not ready to let go of his Meera, even if she refuses. He want to hunt her down, claim her as his and the whole world will know that.

"You've committed a mistake, Meera and you should pay for it", his sinister laughter echoed inside the room. Little did Meera knew that she had unlocked his devil side and will be witnessing it very soon and couldn't avoid it.

Heyy guys, hope you liked this chapter. Pls do vote and comment your thoughts so that I can improve my writing if there are any flaws.
Good day.

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