11. things i wish you said

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11. things i wish you said

things i wish you said - sabrina carpenter

Smoke wafted in the air with my back leaning against the cold metal of a trailer. An assistant of some sort stood by listing off words I was forcing myself to ignore, I had only one thing on my mind at the moment. A thin dress almost see-through barely covered my skin matching the messy beach waves someone had done a few hours ago. My makeup was still intact with many re-touch-ups despite the wetness I endured.

He stood there with his arm wrapped around his waist, lips pressed gently against her ear. She wasn't even in the movie and going against everything his manager had instructed him on made it more enraging. Because in the end, I knew if it failed because of him it'd still be flipped to be my fault. They could make everybody sign an NDA all they want but mouses still squeak at the end of the day.

My phone buzzes on the front of a clipboard the assistant was holding making her finally shut up. Reaching for it, I quickly answered it not bothering to see who it was.

"Alora!" Taylor's loud voice makes me pull the phone back as I glare my eyes. "Guess what?"

"What's up?" I pick up on the loud dance music in the back making me instantly jealous.

"Your brother called about a Christmas party?! Why didn't you invite me?" I internally groan and mentally curse out my brother.

I loved Taylor, I really did but she had no reasonable excuse for how she acts when she drinks. She went through so many emotions it was hard to keep up with her. At first, she could be the sweetest innocent girl and next thing you know she's making out with half of the room. Which honestly, good for her, but it lasts for only ten minutes. And after that, she's a crying mess thinking about how death can come out of nowhere. It was hard to keep up with her.

"It slipped my mind honestly, with all this filming." The director glanced over with headphones still covering his ears motioning me over with a hand. "I have to go but I'll catch up later."

"Wait-" I hang up on her giving the phone back to the girl with wide doe eyes.

Fluffing up my hair I walk over to the director, Mikey Adams. Giving him a small smile I tilt my head observing as his hands lift up dropping the headphones to hang off of his neck. He had slight stubble growing on his face from the long nights he's been making all of us go through. He wanted this movie to be absolutely perfect.

"How's your day been, Alora?" He had that sort of geeky look to him that if you hang around him for long you would soon realize is deeper than shown. He was a total geek about everything. In a good way, of course.

"Long." I pout feeling the stickiness from the lip gloss I had applied not long ago. "But the scenes are coming out great, at least I hope so."

He laughs lightly making my stomach do cartwheels. "They are, they are. You're doing a great job, especially for your first movie." I smiled at his words appreciating the compliment that didn't have a hidden meaning behind it. My eyes drift over to Pete to only meet Camille's eyes that still held that evil look in them after all these months. This game she had going on was taking too long for her to finish.

"Thank you, Mikey. I'm glad my first movie is yours, you're only one of the best directors of this generation." He waves a hand dismissing the words, one of his workers told me he hates reading reviews and simply releases stuff blindly. The only time he hears feedback is when he's forced to.

The air between us grew cold as he reached back scratching his neck and avoiding his eyes. "I-" He starts off but pauses making me more intrigued with his words. "Your manager told me about your situation with Pete." We both glance over at the couple making out in public making me want to go behind a trailer and throw up. "But I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight?"

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