8. forget her

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8. forget her

forget her - jeff buckley

"Mother." I nod my head towards her as I held on to my breath knowing it's something she'll shame me for. Breathing the same air as her. That's one thing you should never do.

Her beady eyes glanced me up and down slowly probably judging every single thread on me. That was until they landed on Pete and quickly the tension grew in the room. I grab his tattooed arm and bring it in front of my body as I lean back against his chest playing with his fingers. I spot Emrys sitting on the couch with my father, both of them disregarding us as they watch TV.

Frowning at my brother I try to push out the memory from his birthday as I zone back into what my mother was saying to Pete.

"How did you guys meet?" I feel him stiffen behind me as neither of us knows how to reply to that question.

"Um, I don't think, I don't think that's important." I push off her question towards him as she clicks her tongue. Emrys snorts from over his spot causing me to tighten my grip on Pete's fingers. "How's grandma?"

"She's in the hospital." I roll my eyes at the obvious statement. "Don't roll your eyes, Alora. We're going down to see her in an hour." Humming at her statement I gaze at the room in hopes of finding an escape from her. Penny's already gone, Emrys hates me, my father doesn't care for me, and Malik is nowhere in sight.

"Pete and I should go settle into a room." She simply just points her finger at the stairs while continuing to stare Pete down. Dragging him up with me, the living room falls into a hush. Letting out a sigh I push open the first door I spot finding it abandoned. Falling back onto the bed I watch from the corner of my eye as Pete wanders around the room taking everything in.

He opens up a drawer from the dresser and hums to himself when he pulls out clothing. "I think someone's already staying here." I lean up on my elbows and squint at the articles he was showing me.

"Mm, I think they're Emrys' clothes. Are there sweats in there?" He rummages through before pulling out a pair of grey ones. I greedily take the piece of clothing and slip off my dress before stepping into the warm clothing. Sitting back on the bed with only my bra and the sweats on I roll up the dress in my hands. "I guess we should find another room."

Pete leaves the room first looking awkward from being in another person's room. The next room we choose thankfully doesn't have anyone's clothes or belongings in it. This room had a lake-facing window showcasing the beautiful waters with the forest behind it. I throw the dress into a corner as I sit crisscrossed once more on top of the bedding.

"My mother liked you," I mumble as I chip off any remaining polish that was on my nails.

"That was her liking me?" He seemed shocked as he ran a hand through his hair.

"It's a good thing. She knows people, Pete." It came out sounding more ominous than wanting it to be. "She could really help push your career."

"And she hasn't helped yours?" He raises an eyebrow as I frown and throw a pillow at him. He blocks it with his arm and laughs before tackling me on the bed. "I'm just joking."

I felt breathless under him and weak. Weak as if he could just take control of anything in my life and I would allow it. "Did you want to meet my grandma?"

He does a sharp intake before rolling over next to me, I admire the beauty that was his side profile. "It would be weird, right?"

"Only if you allow it to be. Come on, who wouldn't want to meet the Rose Cathet." I emphasize her name as he continues to just stare at me with worrisome eyes. "We don't have to stay long. I can show you around Helsinki."

Dead of Night - Pete Davidsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें