Chapter Twenty-Nine - Y/N

Start from the beginning

"I guess the kids haven't really grown too much." Dabi grinned, and I knew exactly who out of the three boys he was looking at.

"Yeah, but I mean, give 'em a break. They're kids." Hawks shrugged.

"You can see yourself out, Hawks. Thank you so much for the information." Re-Destro grinned at him, and Hawks hesitated, glancing at me.

"I'll be out in a minute." I said gently. He smiled back, sweet as ever, and left the room. The non-League lieutenants looked over at me, confused.

"Y'know how Tomura and I had that weird energy thing? When we fought Re-Destro?" I asked, voice quiet. "Same thing with pain. And the pain he's going to go through before he reaches his ultimate power throughout the next four months is unlike anything any of you can imagine. I won't feel it all. But I'll feel enough. So I need someone with me at all times to make sure I'm okay."

"And that person is Hawks?" Dabi groaned. "Don't tell me you're starting to trust him."

"I'm not starting to. I do trust him, Dabi. How is all this not proof enough for you?" I motioned to the monitors and screens. He scoffed, ignoring me.

"Anyway, once he's done, Y/N will be back to normal, and, you know, destruction for all. Courtesy of Tomura." Toga elaborated, making an explosion noise. I laughed and stood up. "Be careful. If you need help from a girl, just call me."

"I will, Himiko. Thank you." I pushed in my chair, shooting Dabi a glare, and walked out, noticing another one of Hawks' feathers was caught in the door. I grabbed it, opening the door and handing it to the winged ex-hero. "Here. You left this behind. Does it hurt, when they get caught and pulled out like that?"

"Not really. A lot of times they just accidentally fall out. Like shedding!" He tossed the feather in the air and it floated down to the ground. "I can feel my feathers like they're limbs. But I guess that makes it weirder since then that means I lose limbs all the time."

"Wait, really?" I giggled. "You can feel through them too? Can you hear and see through them too?"

"Oh, no, not at all." Hawks shook his head. "I wish, though. That'd be pretty cool."

"It would be." I smiled at him, until I got an idea and grabbed the loose feather from his hands, running my fingers along it before shaking it in the air. He shuddered, grabbing it back from me, cheeks pink. "Ah, nope. Nope. That feels so weird."

I looked at him, confused.

"Are your wings hypersensitive or something?"

The pink to his cheeks darkened to a red.


My eyebrows raised, and I shrugged, keeping that teasing smile on my face.

"Good to know."

"No, not good to know." Hawks groaned. "C'mon, let's go to a conference room or somewhere else quiet." He began to walk, and I took a step forward to follow him, but indescribable pain seized up my body and I was on the ground in a second. He spun around on his heel, chocolate eyes wide and concerned. "Fuck. I figured we'd go there before the pain gets too bad so you'd be on a couch. Not on the ground."

I gasped, my fingers ripping along the carpet of the hall. Front members all watched as Hawks kneeled beside me, his hand on my back. He was speaking to me, but I couldn't hear him. Each one of my bones felt like they were breaking, horrible aching pains radiating through me. I bit back a scream, trying to imagine the fact that Tenko's pain was worse than mine right now, but I couldn't ignore how my body began to spasm. Hawks gently picked me up, I didn't see it but I felt myself get pulled up and into a pair of arms, and he carried me into a conference room down the hall. I could hear in everyone's thoughts how confused and worried they were. A few people were wondering where Shigaraki was, but most people were just curious as to what the fuck was wrong with me.

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