Questions Of Truth

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(Letter Two)

Dear Reader.

I hope my previous letter and the comments, statements and questions therin, found you in the same way as they left me. As I stated in my last correspondence, I intend to answer the question of meaning. Though my quest is a grave one. For I see that such a question comes with only one answer, as most do. But once one knows the implications to either side, whether you be a man of faith or not (For there truly is no neutral party) in the end only one may prevail. And so, as humbly as I am able, I take on this task. One that many have already.

For many, the beginning of such a journey may be in the lecture hall, under some professor of renowned. Others lean towards a kind of lonesome investigation. Intending to find clarification of evidences through the lens of a prideful stance. But I intend to act simply as a collector of knowledge. Striving to gain perspective through experience. Understanding humanities condition, and seeing mans tendency to self righteousness and presuppositions. I hope to achieve answers apart from this self glorifying stance.

Where to begin?

One must start by clarifying both sides of the opposition, so as to clearly and rightfully understand both worldviews. And for that i have, under much thinking, chosen both Christianity and Atheism as my primary subjects of study.

On one side we have those who believe in a world apart from a spiritual influence, and hold to scientific data, archeological discovery and seemingly a lack of contact with a creator as confirmation of a worldview apart from God.

On the other we have those who believe in a creator of our universe. One that has made us in his own image and has ingrained within us a sense of right and wrong. This God is one who upon him and his all powerful nature, man can rely on to forgive us for our daily transgressions against him. But this belief has claim also to a scientific understanding of the universe and states that science itself is evidence to God and his glory.

(This summarized understanding of both worldviews will surely be expanded upon)

This of course is not nearly all of the beliefs of our race. For if I was to truly attempt to judge every belief held to as truth by some or many, and compare each to the system of research I have chosen. Then my life, as well as all of my kin thereafter for eternity (if there be such a thing) would be chained to this venture which I have taken. Therefore I have selected the two most prominent worldviews of our day. Even though Christianity truly has existed far longer than Atheism. I think they complement one another as all true and mortal enemies do.

I see my choices to be not only relevant, But intriguing to all who have had such wonder of origin and human nature. In saying that, i'm not unsure of other worldviews finding their way into my study. This may or may not be helpful in this pondersom and thought provoking struggle, but i see no way of avoiding the intermingling of such worldviews. I understand the importance of attempting to see all ends. But there must be somewhere in which to start and apply all standards.

As for the subject of my research process there is only one path to start on, and that is a path with three parts. Of which are historical reasoning, scientific evidence and psychological study. From this systematic process, a compass of sorts. Potential data can be obtained. I hope to use this method to discover what it is that truly drives these beliefs.

But as if I was the tide of a unending sea and my words were cut short at the point, so is it now as i write you. Forgive me now as i close, for life doesn't wait for research and i must attend to its contents. I will Write to you next strictly of my finding so as to save time and expedite the process of understanding.

With my humble thanks and love.


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