Vessel of Hope

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The episode opens with a shot of the Isaribi, before going to the hangar, where we hear Shino cough. He was in the cockpit of the Graze.

Yamagi: Are you alright?

Shino: Yeah, but this thing is really tough...

Yamagi: Maybe it's not possible... To import the Alaya system the brewers used into this.

Shino: Don't give up, Yamagi!

Yamagi looks off to the side.

Yamagi: But-

Shino: No buts. I'll test it as often as you need. I want it too... The power to protect others.

Yamagi: Shino...

-SceeEene changeeEE: Somewhere, Idfk-

We see Kudelia walk out of what seems to be her room.

Kudelia: (I couldn't sleep at all... Or rather...)

She has flashbacks of her kiss with Mika.

She then kneels down on the floor and puts her hands on her now pink face.

Kudelia: (Or rather, there's no way I could sleep!)

Mika suddenly walks in front of her, staring at her for a few seconds before walking off.

Mikazuki: Good morning.

Kudelia looks at him a few seconds more before answering.

Kudelia: G-Good morning?


We see the Teiwaz fleet (Tekkadan, Turbines and the newly acquired Brewers ship) floating through the V O I D before the scene changes to Fumitan reading something in a tablet.

Fumitan: ("Everything has been arranged. Enter part at Dort 2, along with Kudelia.") 

She sets the tablet down on her desk and places her left hand on her forehead as she leans back on her chair. 

She takes a few seconds to look at the pendant that Kudelia gave her.

-OooOh, flashback-

We see a little Kudelia talking to Fumitan in her home.

Lil' Kudelia: I want to know... More about the people of Mars. Fumitan, I want you to tell me everything you know!

-Back to the real world-

A 'Ding!' is heard and she watches the camera of outside her room, kinda like a ring camera...? I'm not sure if that's what you call those thingies that begin recording when someone knocks at your door. it was Kudelia.

Fumitan: Miss...?

Kudelia: Do you have a minute?

Fumitan opens the door and Kudelia walks in.

Fumitan: What's wrong-

Kudelia: Fumitan! Have you... 

She looks off to the side, flustered.

Kudelia: Ever dated a man?

Fumitan: No, I'm gay-

(TAKE #2-!)

Kudelia: Ever dated a man?

Fumitan cocks (Heh.) her head back with a 'Huh?'

Kudelia: I've heard men, even without romantic feelings, will ask a woman out. Is that actually true? 

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