The shape of closeness

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We open with Shino's group (The human debris, Shino and Orga) Breaking into the Hammerhead.

Human debris: I got it! The map of the ship.

He hands him a tablet with said map.

Orga: Well done, Dante! Can I leave the rest to you?

Dante: Yeah, count on me for electronic warfare.

Orga: Okay, we'll capture the bridge in one go!

They begin floating towards the bridge.

Turbines worker: There!

Orga: Shino!

Shino turns around and shoots a gas grenade into the hallway.

Shino: Done!

Turbines worker: What?

Shino crashes with one of the walls and then gets out of there.

Turbines worker 2: Don't shoot, it'll ignite.

The ship's alarms start going off, as the camera changes to the bridge.

Maruba: What's going on?

Naze: Alarms?

Eco: Combustible gas is spreading within the ship!

Maruba: What?

Naze: Can't you close the bulkheads to trap the kids with the gas?

Turbines worker: I can't.

Naze: Huh?

Eco: They've infiltrated our main frame.  Our operations are being blocked!

We se Dante in a dark room giggling as he hacks their systems.

Eco: Oh no, even the monitors!

Naze: Tch. You don't know their numbers or location?

Turbines worker 2: I'll put up the footage from right before.

An image of the Tekkadan group is shown in the monitor.

Naze: Four of them...

Maruba: O-Orga...

We cut to another hallway, were some Turbines workers were looking for the Tekkadan boyos.

Eco (Through comms): Combustible gas detected.

Turbines worker: Huh? What?

They continue looking for Orga and his group, but to no avail because they were hiding in the vents.

Orga: Looks like Dante is doing a good job.

Shino: But there's only women coming out...

Orga: I don't care. Let's go!

He continues floating through the vents.

Back in the bridge...

Naze: Well, it's an old method, but they're doing it well. 

He turns to Maruba.

Naze: Hey, how are those kids infiltrating our system?

Maruba: Huh?

He turns to Naze.

Maruba: How would I know that?

Naze looks at him weird.

Naze: What? They were your kids before.

Maruba: You think I remember what tricks I taught those rats!? In any case, just kill them already! They're picking a fight with you, Mr. Naze. Won't the reputation of Teiwaz be ruined? 

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